Mint Paint is a browser-based paint application based on the Windows 98 Paint program made for a one-week hackathon with Mintbean.
- 🖌 Brush tool
- ✏️ Pencil tool
- Eraser tool
Styled Components
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js installed on your computer.
From your command line or terminal:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Navigate to the project directory
$ cd mint-paint
# Install dependencies via npm
$ npm install
# Run the app http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
$ npm start
- 🔄 Undo/Redo
- 💾 Save/Download Image
- 🔍 Zoom
- ⚙️ Menus
- ✂️ Cut/Copy/Paste
- 🎨 Custom color picker
- 📏 Resize canvas
Made by Amalia Advincula-Roye