GLPI v10.0.11 server in Docker.
There are 3 docker containers used to launch this GLPI server version:
- GLPI itself (NGINX, PHP v8.2, application files);
- MariaDB server;
- Adminer (database graphical control panel).
It is possible to run all containers [1] separately or [2] by using Docker Compose. See instruction below.
Run by Docker:
docker run --name glpi-app -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 alyonamoskalets/glpi:v1
docker run --name glpi-mysql -d -p 3306:3306 -e MARIADB_USER=inventory_user -e MARIADB_PASSWORD=pass4DB -e MARIADB_DATABASE=inventory -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass4Admin -e MARIADB_PORT_NUMBER=3306 -v /glpi/db:/var/lib/mysql mariadb
docker run --name glpi-adminer -d -p 8080:8080 --link glpi-mysql adminer
Run by Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d -f docker-compose-public.yml
Install and setup GLPI: https://glpi.local
If you would like to build GLPI Docker image by yourself from my sources, you can use do this by [1] Docker or [2] Docker Compose:
Build by Docker:
docker build . -t glpi:mytag
Build by Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
NOTE! Locate all files from my source, including the Dockerfile and/or Docker Compose YML file in the same directory. Docker commands also are used in that directory.