Ecoleta is a open source project aimed to help people in need to dispose selective waste to find places. Everyone can do a registration, you just need a name, location of the place and choose how items this place collect (lamps, batteries, cooking oil and more). Doing it, you're helping people to find out these places. The idea of this application come to a World Environment Week, and the code's avaiable in web and mobile. This project was be desenvolved in an event called "next level week" proposed by Rocketseat, where's your intuit's to take you a next level as a dev, totally online and free. Your methods consist in the pratic, focus and group, where you learn new features, technologies, tools, and do a important networking to help in your evolution.
The technologies usage in this project is:
Clone this repository in your computer.
$ git clone
🔨 Run the server
// Install all dependecy
$ npm install
// Create migrations
$ knex:migrate
// Create seeds
$ knex:seed
// run the application
$ npm run dev
💻 Run the web
// Install all dependecy
$ npm install
// run the application
$ npm start
📱 Run the application mobile
// Install all dependcy
$ npm install
// Run aplication with Expo
$ expo start
You can download Expo in Apple store/Play store and configurate to see the aplication run in you phone.