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Code samples for articles stuff


  1. Prefix Sums and Applications
  2. Disjoint set union data structure
  3. Dynamic programming. Knapsack problem
  4. Radix Sort: The Most Efficient Number Sorting
  5. Java memory model
  6. Top Strategies for Optimizing Java Application Performance: Practical Advice and Best Practices
  7. Fundamentals of Logging in Java Applications
  8. Understanding Binary Search: A Comprehensive Guide
  9. Unlocking Productivity: Exploring Essential IntelliJ IDEA Plugins
  10. Introduction to Java Stream API for Beginners
  11. Java: Singleton vs Multiton
  12. Understanding Variance in Java: Covariant and Contravariant Types Explained
  13. Exploring the Biggest Rectangle in a Histogram
  14. Java Design Patterns: Strategy
  15. Java: Functional Programming with Vavr
  16. Java: JVM, minimum what every developer should know
  17. Java: Classloaders, developing own Classloader
  18. Java: Double check locking pattern
  19. Java: Event Driven architecture
  20. Java: For IoT (Internet of things)
  21. Java: Pi4J IoT (Internet of things)
  22. Java: Unlocking IoT Potential with Blynk (Internet of things)
  23. Java: Microservices Architecture Patterns, Exploring the Essential
  24. Java: Mastering SOLID Principles
  25. Unlocking the Power of Global Locks. A Java and Spring Perspective
  26. Mastering Task Scheduling in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide to @Scheduled with @Asyc
  27. Mastering Synchronization: Best Practices and Patterns in Java
  28. Navigating Java’s Multithreading Terrain Pt. 1. Dining Philosophers
  29. Navigating Java’s Multithreading Terrain Pt. 2
  30. Unlocking Concurrent Power: A Guide to java.util.concurrent Pt. 1
  31. Unlocking Concurrent Power: A Guide to java.util.concurrent Pt. 2
  32. Concurrency in Java: Best Practices and Performance Optimization
  33. GRASP: Guiding Object-Oriented Design in Java
  34. Crafting Cleaner Java Code: Exploring DRY, KISS and YAGNI Principles
  35. Java Mastery: Advancing Beyond SOLID with Abstraction, Extensibility, and Cohesion
  36. Java’s Pattern Matching: Simplifying Conditional Logic and Type Checking
  37. Tracing the Evolution of Spring Beans: The Evolution of Spring Beans in the Java Ecosystem
  38. Builder Pattern Variations and Best Practices
  39. Java Architecture Blueprint: Strategies for Scalable and Reliable Apps
  40. Decorator Pattern: Elevating Code Flexibility
  41. Effective Use of ThreadLocal in Java Applications
  42. Choosing the Right Collection in Java
  43. ThreadLocal vs ScopedValue
  44. Multithreaded programming anti-patterns in Java Pt.1
  45. Multithreaded programming anti-patterns in Java Pt.2
  46. Java Recursive Generics
  47. Chain of Responsibility in Java: A Practical Guide
  48. Exploring Java HTTP Clients for Modern Web Applications
  49. Building Resilient Spring Boot Applications with Resilience4j
  50. Migrating from Java 8 to Java 17: What Changed and Potential Issues
  51. Spring AOP Explained: How to Implement Aspect-Oriented Programming in Your Spring Application
  52. Effective Cache Management in Spring Boot Applications
  53. Java ForkJoinPool: A Comprehensive Guide
  54. Garbage Collection in Java
  55. How Compilation Works in Java
  56. How to Build a Custom Collector in Java
  57. How to merge two maps in Java
  58. Java record comparison, Lombok @Data
  59. Introduction to GraalVM, and usage
  60. ConcurrentMap Guide
  61. ConcurrentHashMap for Caching
  62. Introduction to LRU and LFU Caching: Concepts, Implementations, and Practical Use Cases
  63. Introduction to Caching with Google Guava: A Simple and Flexible Solution


Code samples for articles stuff






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