This is my solution for the age verification technical test of Turn2us.
🔗 Deployed to GitHub Pages
Present a website that will verify the user's age to check if they are entitled to claim Universal Credit and redirect them to new pages with the appropriate results. 📅 🔍
1️⃣8️⃣⬆️ Users over 18, will be redirected to a page, which confirms their eligibility.
1️⃣8️⃣⬇️ Users under 18, will be redirected to a page, which disproves their eligibility.
- As a support seeker user, I’d like to fill out a form to verify if I’m entitled to claim Universal Credit considering my age, so I can start my application #1
- As a user who needs reassurance, I’d like to get visual feedback if I’m entitled so I can make sure before I submit my application #2
- As a user who needs reassurance, I’d like to get visual feedback if I’m not entitled so I can start looking for other options #3
- As a visually impaired user, I want to use keyboard controls so I can navigate the website and activate elements on the page #4
- As a visually impaired user, I want to hear my screen reader describe the content on the website so I can get information about the type of elements on the page #5
❌ To be redirected to a page, which shows non-eligibility, give a date before 2004
✅ To be redirected to a page, which confirms eligibility, give a date after 2004