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Spring Pet Clinic Micro Services

1. Intro

This is distributed version of the Spring Pet Clinic Sample app built with Spring & Flutter Web. These microservices fork initially inspired by spring-petclinic-microservices to demonstrate how to split sample Spring application into microservices. Multiple technologies are considered for this demonstration which are

  • Java 17 & Maven with 3rd party libraries (Lombok, Mapstruct, JOOQ, Flyway, Micrometer)

  • Spring Boot (Web, Data JPA, Admin Server)

  • Spring Cloud (Config, Eureka Discovery, Gateway)

  • Docker

  • Promtail

  • Prometheus

  • Loki

  • Grafana

  • Flutter Web

  • H2 SQL Database

  • Playwright for E2E testing

2. Architecture

  • H2 database is used for storing data via oscarfonts/h2 docker image.

  • Zipkin

  • spring-petclinic-admin-server

    • Admin UI for services health and activity.

  • spring-petclinic-api-gateway

    • API gateway for all backend services. Front-End also included in this module.

  • spring-petclinic-config-server

    • Configs are centralized in single module at separate git repository that cloud be referenced locally. Should be started first.

  • spring-petclinic-discovery-server

    • Spring cloud netflix used for service discovery as centralized point for all other services. Should be started second after spring-petclinic-config-server

  • spring-petclinic-customer-service - Restful APIs

  • spring-petclinic-vets-service - Restful APIs

  • spring-petclinic-visits-service - Restful APIs

  • spring-petclinic-test-service - With everything up and running, this test module responsible for validating that everything is OK in automated way.

3. Start services using docker

3.1. Prerequisites

  • Docker >= 24.0.2

  • JDK 17, Maven & Flutter SDK are required. Not required for building inside docker but note that building using docker without SDKs requires a lot of RAM usage.

3.2. Compose

# Compile and build everything locally
# Excluding E2E test module
mvn clean package -pl !spring-petclinic-test-service

# Build the images
# Use docker-compose.yml for building everything inside docker (high RAM usage)
docker compose -f docker-compose-nosdk.yml build

# Run all
docker compose -f docker-compose-nosdk.yml up --detach

# Shutdown and remove resources
docker compose -f docker-compose-nosdk.yml down

4. Start services locally

4.1. Prerequisites

  • JDK 17

  • Maven 3.9.x

  • Flutter SDK >= 3.10.5

  • Docker >= 24.0.2

4.2. Info

  • Run the following to start database and observability services.(Note: In Windows PowerShell replace $(PWD) with ${PWD})

# Create network for our usage
docker network create --ipv6=false -d bridge MyBridgeNetwork

# Run H2 Database
docker container run -d --name h2-server --network=MyBridgeNetwork -d -p 9092:1521 -p 81:81 --mount 'type=volume,src=h2-data,dst=/opt/h2-data' -e H2_OPTIONS=-ifNotExists oscarfonts/h2

# Run tracing and monitoring servers
docker container run -d --name zipkin-server --network MyBridgeNetwork -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
docker container run -d --name promtail-server --network MyBridgeNetwork -v  ${PWD}/docker/promtail/promtail-config.yaml:/mnt/config/promtail-config.yaml -v ${PWD}/log:/var/log/services grafana/promtail:2.8.0 --config.file=/mnt/config/promtail-config.yaml
docker container run -d --name loki-server --network MyBridgeNetwork -v  ${PWD}/docker/loki/loki-config.yaml:/mnt/config/loki-config.yaml -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki:2.8.0 --config.file=/mnt/config/loki-config.yaml
docker container run -d --name prometheus-server --network MyBridgeNetwork -p 9090:9090 -v  ${PWD}/docker/prometheus/:/etc/prometheus/ prom/prometheus
docker container run -d --name=grafana-server --network MyBridgeNetwork -p 3000:3000 -v  ${PWD}/docker/grafana/provisioning:/etc/grafana/provisioning -v  ${PWD}/docker/grafana/grafana.ini:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini -v  ${PWD}/docker/grafana/dashboards:/var/lib/grafana/dashboards grafana/grafana-oss

# Run Spring boot apps
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-config-server clean spring-boot:run -"" -"" -D"-Xmx128m"
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-discovery-server clean spring-boot:run -D"-Xmx128m"
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-admin-server clean spring-boot:run -D"-Xmx128m"
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-api-gateway clean spring-boot:run -D"-Xmx128m"
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-customer-service clean spring-boot:run -",h2" -D"-Xmx128m"
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-visits-service clean spring-boot:run -",h2" -D"-Xmx128m"
  • Services locations

Table 1. Services Locations
Service Endpoint

Discovery Server


Config Server


Flutter Web UI & API Gateway



localhost:7773 - API Docs - Swagger UI - OpenAPI Specs





Tracing Server (Zipkin)

localhost:9411/zipkin/ (we use openzipkin)

Admin Server (Spring Boot Admin)


Grafana Dashboards






5. Plus

5.1. Testing

  • spring-petclinic-test-service responsible for testing the functionality running within other services. Typically, this is via calling APIs and verify the responses or simply simulating user experience.

  • Junit 5

  • WebTestClient

  • Playwright

  • JsonPath

# Validate everything is working correctly by running
# the test service and open spring-petclinic-test-service/target/site/index.html
# in a browser
# Install browser to be used for testing
# For Windows PowerShell it is
export DEBUG=pw:browser
mvn exec:java -e -D -pl spring-petclinic-test-service -D exec.args="install firefox"

# Validate everything is working correctly by running
# the test service and open spring-petclinic-test-service/target/site/index.html
# in a browser
mvn -pl spring-petclinic-test-service clean verify site -D maven.plugin.validation=VERBOSE -D

5.2. Development

  • Dependencies & Editors

    • VSCode. Configurations for Microsodt Visual Studio Code for running and debugging all services available in .vscode for Windows OS. Note that docker dependent services should be up and running first.

6. Status & Progress

As this is still work in progress, there are multiple stages to be done for a complete demonstration.

  • TODO

    • ArchUnit

    • Ui end-to-end test

    • Add custom labels and tags to prometheus and loki usage

    • Data initialization for vets and visits services

    • Vets and error front-end implementation

    • Modularity support

    • Jlink or artifact and runtime optimization and graalvm

    • Include chaos (not final)

    • Unit tests

    • CI/CD Tool (not final)

    • Default data

    • Spring security

    • Keycloak

    • Code optimization

    • Java 21 and version upgrade

    • e2e testing from separated docker container

  • Done

    • Monitoring verification

    • Docker Compose

    • Architecture doc

    • Commands for starting services locally using SDKs and docker desktop (i.e. in Intellij IDE)

    • Commands for starting services locally using docker desktop with docker being target platform

  • All services to be up and running locally with default configuration

    • Make sure JOOQ generation of classes done automatically

    • Generate external config for Observability and tracing for plug & play

    • Validate functionality of Grafana

    • Custom Labels in Grafana for prometheus and loki

  • Create separate module for testing all the up and running service automating that everything is up and running as expected

  • All services to be up and running locally

  • All services to be up and running using docker with and without local SDK


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