This repo is just the initial config for a Node.js project.
It uses XO to enforce code quality and formatting and Husky, a module that helps you run scripts on git hooks.
If you want to see XO in action, clone this repo and edit
with some style errors e.g. use a ;
or indent badly. When
you run the commit xo --fix
will remove the ;
and fix indentation.
Et voilà! Automagically keep your code consistent across the whole team.
To add this to an existing project, follow these three steps
- Install the packages
npm install --save-dev xo husky lint-staged
- Add the job that runs pre-commit
"lint-staged": {
"*.js": [
"xo --fix",
"git add"
- Register the pre-commit job in scripts
"precommit": "lint-staged"
Next time you make a commit Husky will kick in and XO will run.