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Closed Oct 17, 2018 100% complete

We currently have the latest release as 7.0.0-beta.9 which is served from

This milestone tracks us merging all the changes from the private-beta repository into the main repository.

We're doing this instead of merging directly as our commits and workflow for the private-beta repository were more…

We currently have the latest release as 7.0.0-beta.9 which is served from

This milestone tracks us merging all the changes from the private-beta repository into the main repository.

We're doing this instead of merging directly as our commits and workflow for the private-beta repository were more exploratory when we were figuring out how 7.0.0 should look.

Once all these are finished we can release 7.0.0 as a stable release.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.