Service Manual Frontend is a public-facing app to display the service manual formats on GOV.UK.
This is a Ruby on Rails application that fetches documents from content-store and displays them.
- content-store - provides documents
- static - provides shared GOV.UK assets and templates.
The application does not serve content at its root (/) - the homepage will be found at but only if the content item for the homepage exists in the content store.
You can achieve this by restoring from a production backup, publishing the home page using the rake task in service-manual-publisher or by using the dummy content store.
The test suite relies on the presence of the govuk-content-schemas repository. If it is present at the same directory level as the service-manual-frontend repository then run the tests with:
bundle exec rake
Or to specify the location explicitly:
GOVUK_CONTENT_SCHEMAS_PATH=/some/dir/govuk-content-schemas bundle exec rake
Use Wraith ("A responsive screenshot comparison tool") to generate a visual diff to compare rendering changes in this application.
Wraith does not work correctly from within the VM because is not resolvable within the VM, and so none of the assets load. You should instead install wraith on your local machine and run it from there.
Wraith has some dependencies you'll also need to install.
First, on master
branch, run:
wraith history test/wraith/config.yaml
Then, on a branch with your changes, run:
wraith latest test/wraith/config.yaml
This will generate image diffs comparing the two runs, including a browseable
gallery of the output, in tmp/wraith
The Service manual frontend application uses a modified version of the BEM methodology, coined by Harry Roberts.
It uses the following conventions:
- block, element and modifier names are written in lower case
- words within the names of BEM entities are separated by a hyphen (-)
- an element name is separated from a block name by a double underscore (__)
- modifiers are delimited by double hyphens (--)
- Key-value type modifiers are not used
A block:
An element:
A modifier: