This package is I'mport; REST API module for Laravel 5.
Yon can install this package via composer using:
composer require allivcorp/iamport
and then in .../config/app.php
'providers' => [
// ...
'aliases' => [
// ...
'Iamport' => Alliv\Iamport\Facades\IamportFacade::class,
To publish the config file to config/iamport.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alliv\Iamport\IamportServiceProvider"
This will publish a file iamport.php
in your config directory with the following contents:
return [
'apiKey' => env('IAMPORT_REST_API_KEY', 'imp_apikey'),
'apiSecret' => env('IAMPORT_REST_API_SECRET', 'ekKoeW8RyKuT0zgaZsUtXXTLQ4AhPFW3ZGseDA6bkA5lamv9OqDMnxyeB9wqOsuO9W3Mx9YSJ4dTqJ3f')
use Iamport;
// Add subscribe customer (Issue billing key)
Iamport::addSubscribeCustomer('customer_1234', '1234123412341234', '2020-10', '920327', '00');
// Checkout merchant(order)
Iamport::subscribeAgain('customer_1234', 'merchant_1234', 6000, 'Coffee');
Furthermore information, please refer to I'mport API.
- Use Guzzle (Working on now. Will be released before July, 2018)
- Other REST API provided by I'mport API.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.