Pondasee is NOT a css framework, it is only our front-end starter kit combined with the power of SCSS & Compass to build a theme. If you want to use this project as your starting point, you need to know basic knowledge of Compass and Sass.
- Compass 0.12.2.rc.0
- SASS 3.2.0.alpha.237
- Install Compass, you can read on compass official site, here
- Or update your Compass to the latest(unreleased) version
gem install compass -v 0.12.2.rc.1 --pre
- Clone this project
git clone git://github.com/tokokoo/pondasee.git
- Or you can download the zip file here
- Compile
project folder and you're ready to go! :D
- HTML5 Ready
- Reset CSS
- Basic 24 Col Fixed Grid
- Typography
- Forms
- Table
- Images
- Button Mixin
- [Extra] Zurb Button Mixin
- Helper Classes
- Helper Mixins
Pondasee is crafted and developed by Tokokoo Team, feel free to send us some feedback!
- Source: http://tokokoo.github.com/pondasee
- Twitter: @tokokoo
- HTML5 Boilerplate: The Unlicense
- Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- Normalize.css: Public Domain
- Formalize: MIT/GPL license
- Selectivizr: MIT license
- NWmatcher: MIT license
- Font Awesome: CC BY 3.0 license