npm install
npm run build
tag and push a release:
git add dist/ git commit -m "new release v1.0.0" git tag v1.0.0 git push origin v1.0.0
install cookiebanner / gtag stuff:
<script src=""></script> <script> ckbnr.init({ version: 1, message: 'This site uses cookies to enhance your experience.', }); </script>
add option in cookie policy page like:
<a href="#" onClick="ckbnr.optout()">opt out know!</a>
- init: start with opt in or opt out (everything granted or denied)
- banner: store accepted or denied in separate cookie TOGETHER WITH version
- init: compare cookie version to delete and ask/show banner again
- add translations and overwrites for all texts
- add overwrites for colors and stuff (use css variables?)
- add dataPolicyUrl to config
- add "close x" without decision
- (optional) use project modal?