is-primary is-link is-info is-success is-warning is-danger
is-small is-medium is-large
is-outlined is-loading [disabled]
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
First column
<div class="column">
Second column
<div class="column">
Third column
<div class="column">
Fourth column
is-mobile is-desktop
Column Gap- is-0 to is-9
Multiline- is-multiline
Centered- is-centered
level level-item level-right level-left
is-three-quarters is-two-thirds is-half is-one-third is-one-quarter is-four-fifths is-three-fifths is-two-fifths is-one-fifth
wrap in - content
notification (use is-colors)
<button class="delete"></button>
message message-header message-body
title (use is-numbers) subtitle
card: the main container
card-header: a horizontal bar with a shadow
card-header-title: a left-aligned bold text
card-header-icon: a placeholder for an icon
card-image: a fullwidth container for a responsive image
card-content: a multi-purpose container for any other element
card-footer: a horizontal list of controls
card-footer-item: a repeatable list item
dropdown the main container
dropdown-trigger the container for a button
dropdown-menu the toggable menu, hidden by default
dropdown-content the dropdown box, with a white background and a shadow
dropdown-item each single item of the dropdown, which can either be a a or a div
dropdown-divider a horizontal line to separate dropdown items
modal: the main container
modal-background: a transparent overlay that can act as a click target to close the modal
modal-content: a horizontally and vertically centered container, with a maximum width of 640px, in which you can include any content
modal-close: a simple cross located in the top right corner
navbar the main container
navbar-brand the left side, always visible, which usually contains the logo and optionally some links or icons
navbar-burger the hamburger icon, which toggles the navbar menu on touch devices
navbar-menu the right side, hidden on touch devices, visible on desktop
navbar-start the left part of the menu, which appears next to the navbar brand on desktop
navbar-end the right part of the menu, which appears at the end of the navbar
navbar-item each single item of the navbar, which can either be an a or a div
navbar-link a link as the sibling of a dropdown, with an arrow
navbar-dropdown the dropdown menu, which can include navbar items and dividers
navbar-divider a horizontal line to separate navbar items