This extension visualizes tree-like structures. It takes names for a tree node and it’s nesting level as an input and draws a tree as an output. Why use it if you practically create this tree already? This extension will account for different details which make it easier to grasp tree structure as a whole and which is tedious to update for every minor change in a tree.
To create a tree you must add [tree]
to a listing
block. Every line in this block must begin with one or more >
symbols, followed be a space and a node text. Number of >
symbols correspond to this line’s nesting level. Tree root has nesting level of 1.
Input | Output |
[tree] ---- > A >> B >>> C >>> D >> E >>> F >> G >> H ---- |
A ├── B │ ├── C │ └── D ├── E │ └── F ├── G └── H |
This extension is available in JCenter repository. Since MonoTree is written in Java only AsciidoctorJ is supported.
To use it you must add it to the classpath. In the case of Asciidoctor Maven plugin, it is enough to just add it as a dependency:
<dependency> <!--(1)-->
MonoTree extension is added
Every tree is built of 4 element types:
The purpose of every element is easier to show in example (to the right you can see tree elements separately for every line):
A ├── B "├── " │ └── C "│ " "└── " └── D => "└── " ├── E " " "├── " └── F " " "└── "
Element type | Appearance |
Empty |
Passthrough |
Junction |
terminal |
So, here is configuration parameters:
- symbol_empty (e)
defines value for element
- symbol_passthrough (p)
defines value for element
- symbol_junction (j)
defines value for element
- symbol_terminal (t)
defines value for element
- symbols
defines symbol set to use (symbol set is a set all 4 elements that draws consistently looking tree).
* parameters can be used together with symbols
This extension currently has two symbol sets defined:
fancy (default) |
simple |
empty |
passthrough |
junction |
terminal |
"Simple" set may not look as neatly as "fancy" one, but it uses basic characters that should be available in every font out there.
default |
[tree] ---- > A >> B >>> C >> D >>> E >>> F ---- |
A ├── B │ └── C └── D ├── E └── F |
narrow |
[tree, e=" ", p="│ ", j="├─ ", t="└─ "] ---- > A >> B >>> C >> D >>> E >>> F ---- |
A ├─ B │ └─ C └─ D ├─ E └─ F |
"Simple" symbol set |
[tree, symbols="simple"] ---- > A >> B >>> C >> D >>> E >>> F ---- |
A +-- B | `-- C `-- D +-- E `-- F |
"Simple" symbol set with one element overridden |
[tree, symbols="simple", t="\-- "] ---- > A >> B >>> C >> D >>> E >>> F ---- |
A +-- B | \-- C \-- D +-- E \-- F |
Empty root |
[tree] ---- >> A >> B >>> C >> D >>> E >>> F ---- |
├── A ├── B │ └── C └── D ├── E └── F |