PHP cURL/HTTP requests made easy.
The library wraps around PHP's built in curl library, eliminating all the hassle and the need for $ch variables.
Please inspect the library source and test cases for further documentation and usage examples.
// Using the bundled autoloader is optional
require "autoload.php";
// Assuming you have an autoloader in place.
$iRequest = new \Http\Request("");
$iResponse = $iRequest->post(["foo" => "bar", "john" => "doe"]);
// Assumes a valid JSON response body
// Likewise assumes a valid JSON response body
// Assumes a valid XML response body
// ... Or if you prefer to do it all by yourself
You may use the factory method 'with' if all you need is a simple request, with an expected JSON response
->post(["data" => "foo"])
the above is equivelant to:
->send(["data" => "foo"])
Check the response code:
Available request methods include get
, post
, post
, patch
, delete
, head
, options
, connect
, trace
// Using the bundled autoloader is optional
require "autoload.php";
try {
$iRequest = new \Http\Request("");
$iResponse = $iRequest->post(["lorem", "ipsum"]);
} catch(\Http\HttpError $iHttpError) {
// There was an error that caused the remote to return a HTTP code >= 400
// This is likely due to an errornous integration
// Error code will match the HTTP code returned by remote
// Error message will be the raw response body, likely in JSON
} catch(\Http\ConnectionError $iConnectionError) {
// There was a unexpected error that made cURL unable to properly connect to remote
// Error code will be the curl generated error number
// as provided by curl_errno();
// Error message will be the curl generated error message
// as provided by curl_error();
} catch(\JsonException $iJsonException) {
// The remote resource returned successfully.
// but the response body failed parsing as JSON
// This exception is native to PHP
print $iJsonException->getCode();
print $iJsonException->getMessage();