A server application, providing GUI service, providing an opportunity to create GUI frameworks for different programming languages. A connection with your program is established via tcp/ip connection or via regular files. It is written on Harbour (look at http://www.kresin.ru/en/harbour.html) and C, GUI layer is provided by HwGUI library (http://www.kresin.ru/en/hwgui.html). The official web page is http://www.kresin.ru/en/guisrv.html Join the multilanguage group https://groups.google.com/d/forum/guiserver to discuss the GuiServer, External and related issues.
Project source files: source/guiserver.prg - main file, written on Harbour. source/fconnect.prg source/hbip.c source/listen.c source/misc.c
To compile a GuiServer from sources you will need Harbour, HwGUI and a C compiler.
Build.bat is provided to build guiserver.exe with Borland C compiler. Probably, you will need to change HB_INSTALL and HWGUI_INSTALL variables in this batch file - they should point to your Harbour and HwGUI directories, respectively. Unicode version of HwGUI is necessary for GuiServer.
Use the build.sh to compile guiserver. Probably, you will need to change HRB_INS and HWGUI_DIR variables in this shell file - they should point to your Harbour and HwGUI directories, respectively.
You may download some ready binaries from http://www.kresin.ru/en/guisrv.html
Just copy an executable file to a folder of your choice. For to not write a full path to it in your applications, add this folder to a PATH environment variable.
extgui.prg and extgui_classes.prg together with hbip.c, listen.c are an implementation of a GUI framework, based on connection with GuiServer, for Harbour.
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