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Aliyun OSS plugin for Fluentd

It is fully free and fully open source. The license is Apache 2.0, meaning you are pretty much free to use it whatever you want.


Fluent OSS output plugin buffers event logs in local files and uploads them to OSS periodically in background threads.

This plugin splits events by using the timestamp of event logs. For example, a log '2019-04-09 message Hello' is reached, and then another log '2019-04-10 message World' is reached in this order, the former is stored in "20190409.gz" file, and latter in "20190410.gz" file.

Fluent OSS input plugin reads data from OSS periodically.

This plugin uses MNS on the same region of the OSS bucket. We must setup MNS and OSS event notification before using this plugin.

This document shows how to setup MNS and OSS event notification.

This plugin will poll events from MNS queue and extract object keys from these events, and then will read those objects from OSS.


Simply use RubyGems(!

If you are using td-agent, please make sure to use td-agent’s td-agent-gem command(/usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss). td-agent has own Ruby so you should install gems into td-agent’s Ruby, not other Ruby. Otherwise (e.g. you use the command belonging to system, rvm, gem install fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss, etc.), you won’t be able to find your “installed” plugins.

[root@master td-agent]# /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss

Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed unf_ext-
Fetching: unf-0.1.4.gem (100%)
Successfully installed unf-0.1.4
Fetching: domain_name-0.5.20180417.gem (100%)
Successfully installed domain_name-0.5.20180417
Fetching: http-cookie-1.0.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed http-cookie-1.0.3
Fetching: rest-client-2.0.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rest-client-2.0.2
Fetching: aliyun-sdk-0.7.0.gem (100%)
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed aliyun-sdk-0.7.0
Fetching: fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss-0.0.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss-0.0.1
Parsing documentation for unf_ext-
Installing ri documentation for unf_ext-
Parsing documentation for unf-0.1.4
Installing ri documentation for unf-0.1.4
Parsing documentation for domain_name-0.5.20180417
Installing ri documentation for domain_name-0.5.20180417
Parsing documentation for http-cookie-1.0.3
Installing ri documentation for http-cookie-1.0.3
Parsing documentation for rest-client-2.0.2
Installing ri documentation for rest-client-2.0.2
Parsing documentation for aliyun-sdk-0.7.0
Installing ri documentation for aliyun-sdk-0.7.0
Parsing documentation for fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss-0.0.1
Installing ri documentation for fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss-0.0.1
Done installing documentation for unf_ext, unf, domain_name, http-cookie, rest-client, aliyun-sdk, fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss after 10 seconds
7 gems installed

Then, you can check installed plugin

[root@master td-agent]# /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem list fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

fluent-plugin-aliyun-oss (0.0.1)


1. Plugin Developement and Testing


  • Install dependencies
bundle install


  • Update your dependencies
bundle install
  • Run tests You should set environment variables like below:


STORE_AS="" OSS_ENDPOINT="" ACCESS_KEY_ID="" ACCESS_KEY_SECRET="" OSS_BUCKET="" OSS_PATH=""  bundle exec rspec test/plugin/test_out_oss.rb


STORE_AS=""  OSS_ENDPOINT="" ACCESS_KEY_ID="" ACCESS_KEY_SECRET="" OSS_BUCKET="" MNS_ENDPOINT="" MNS_QUEUE=""  bundle exec rspec test/plugin/test_in_oss.rb


This is an example of fluent config.

It will read data posted by HTTP and buffer data to local directory before writing to OSS. You can try it by running curl command:

[root@master td-agent]# while [[ 1 ]]; do curl -X POST -d 'json={"json":"message"}' http://localhost:8888/debug.test; done
<match debug.*>
  @type oss
  endpoint <OSS endpoint to connect to>
  bucket <Your Bucket>
  access_key_id <Your Access Key>
  access_key_secret <Your Secret Key>
  path fluent-oss/logs
  auto_create_bucket true
  key_format %{path}/%{time_slice}_%{index}_%{thread_id}.%{file_extension}
  store_as gzip
  <buffer tag,time>
    @type file
    path /var/log/fluent/oss
    timekey 60 # 1 min partition
    timekey_wait 20s
    #timekey_use_utc true
    @type json

# HTTP input
# POST http://localhost:8888/<tag>?json=<json>
# POST http://localhost:8888/td.myapp.login?json={"user"%3A"me"}
# @see
  @type http
  @id input_http
  port 8888

Configuration: Output Plugin

This plugin supports the following configuration options

Configuration Type Required Comments Default
endpoint string Yes OSS endpoint to connect
bucket string Yes Your OSS bucket name
access_key_id string Yes Your access key id
access_key_secret string Yes Your access secret key
path string No Prefix that added to the generated file name fluent/logs
oss_sdk_log_dir string No OSS SDK log directory /var/log/td-agent
upload_crc_enable bool No Enable upload crc check true
download_crc_enable bool No Enable download crc check true
open_timeout integer No Timeout seconds for open connections 10
read_timeout integer No Timeout seconds for read response 120
key_format string No The format of OSS object keys %{path}/%{time_slice}_%{index}_%{thread_id}.%{file_extension}
store_as string No Archive format on OSS gzip
auto_create_bucket bool No Create OSS bucket if it does not exists true
overwrite bool No Overwrite already existing OSS path false
check_bucket bool No Check bucket if exists or not true
check_object bool No Check object before creation true
hex_random_length integer No The length of %{hex_random} placeholder(4-16) 4
index_format string No sprintf format for %{index} %d
warn_for_delay time No Set a threshold of events latency and mark these slow events as delayed, output warning logs if delayed events were put into OSS nil

Some configuration details


The format of OSS object keys. You can use the following built-in variables to generate keys dynamically:

  • %{path}

  • %{time_slice}

  • %{index}

  • %{file_extension}

  • %{hex_random}

  • %{uuid_flush}

  • %{thread_id}

  • %{path} is exactly the value of path configured in the configuration file. E.g., "fluent/logs" in the example configuration above.

  • %{time_slice} is the time-slice in text that are formatted with time_slice_format.

  • %{index} is the sequential number starts from 0, increments when multiple files are uploaded to OSS in the same time slice.

  • %{file_extension} depends on store_as parameter.

  • %{thread_id} is the unique ids of flush threads(flush thread number is define by flush_thread_count). You can use %{thread_id} with other built-in variables to make unique object names.

  • %{uuid_flush} a uuid that is renewed everytime the buffer is flushed. If you want to use this placeholder, install uuidtools gem first.

  • %{hex_random} a random hex string that is renewed for each buffer chunk, not guaranteed to be unique. This is used for performance tuning as the article below described, OSS performance best practice. You can configure the length of string with a hex_random_length parameter (Default is 4).

The default format is %{path}/%{time_slice}_%{index}_%{thread_id}.%{file_extension}. For instance, using the example configuration above, actual object keys on OSS will be something like(flush_thread_count is 1):


With the configuration(flush_thread_count is 2):

key_format %{path}/events/ts=%{time_slice}/events_%{index}_%{thread_id}.%{file_extension}
time_slice_format %Y%m%d-%H
path fluent-oss/logs

You get:


This plugin also supports add hostname to the final object keys, with the configuration:

Note: You should add double quotes to value of key_format if use this feature

key_format "%{path}/events/ts=%{time_slice}/#{Socket.gethostname}/events_%{index}_%{thread_id}.%{file_extension}"
time_slice_format %Y%m%d-%H
path fluent-oss/logs

You get(flush_thread_count is 1):



archive format on OSS. You can use several format:

  • gzip (default)
  • json
  • text
  • lzo (Need lzop command)
  • lzma2 (Need xz command)
  • gzip_command (Need gzip command)
    • This compressor uses an external gzip command, hence would result in utilizing CPU cores well compared with gzip


Create OSS bucket if it does not exists. Default is true.


Check configured bucket if it exists or not. Default is true. When it is false, fluentd will not check the existence of the configured bucket. This is the case where bucket will be pre-created before running fluentd.


Check object before creation if it exists or not. Default is true.

When it is false, key_format will be %{path}/%{time_slice}_%{hms_slice}_%{thread_id}.%{file_extension} by default where, hms_slice will be time-slice in hhmmss format. With hms_slice and thread_id, each object is unique. Example object name, assuming it is created on 2019/04/10 10:30:54 AM 20190410_103054_70186087552260.txt (extension can be anything as per user's choice)


Path prefix of the files on OSS. Default is "fluent-oss/logs".


Format of the time used as the file name. Default is '%Y%m%d'. Use '%Y%m%d%H' to split files hourly.


Use UTC instead of local time.


The length of %{hex_random} placeholder. Default is 4.


%{index} is formatted by sprintf using this format_string. Default is '%d'. Zero padding is supported e.g. %04d to ensure minimum length four digits. %{index} can be in lowercase or uppercase hex using '%x' or '%X'


Overwrite already existing path. Default is false, which raises an error if an OSS object of the same path already exists, or increment the %{index} placeholder until finding an absent path.


Set a threshold to treat events as delay, output warning logs if delayed events were put into OSS.

Configuration: Input Plugin

Configuration Type Required Comments Default
endpoint string Yes OSS endpoint to connect
bucket string Yes Your OSS bucket name
access_key_id string Yes Your access key id
access_key_secret string Yes Your access secret key
oss_sdk_log_dir string No OSS SDK log directory /var/log/td-agent
upload_crc_enable bool No Enable upload crc check true
download_crc_enable bool No Enable download crc check true
open_timeout integer No Timeout seconds for open connections 10
read_timeout integer No Timeout seconds for read response 120
store_as string No Archive format on OSS gzip
flush_batch_lines integer No Flush to down streams every flush_batch_lines lines. 10000
flush_pause_milliseconds integer No Sleep interval between two flushes to downstream. 1
store_local bool No Store OSS Objects to local or memory before parsing(Used for objects with text/json/gzip formats) true
mns configuration section Yes MNS configurations


This is an example of fluent config.

  @type oss
  endpoint <OSS endpoint to connect to>
  bucket <Your Bucket>
  access_key_id <Your Access Key>
  access_key_secret <Your Secret Key>
  flush_batch_lines 1000
    endpoint <MNS endpoint to connect to, E.g.,{account-id}>
    queue <MNS queue>
    wait_seconds 10
    poll_interval_seconds 10

Some configuration details

store_as archive format on OSS. You can use several format:

  • gzip (default)
  • json
  • text
  • lzo (Need lzop command)
  • lzma2 (Need xz command)
  • gzip_command (Need gzip command)
    • This compressor uses an external gzip command, hence would result in utilizing CPU cores well compared with gzip


Flush to down streams every flush_batch_lines lines.


Sleep interval between two flushes to downstream. Default is 1ms, and wil not sleep if flush_pause_milliseconds is less than or equal to 0.

store_local(default is true)

Store OSS Objects to local or memory before parsing(Used for objects with text/json/gzip formats).

Objects with lzo/lzma2/gzip_command formats are always stored to local directory before parsing.


Parse a line as this format in the OSS object. Supported formats are "apache_error", "apache2", "syslog", "json", "tsv", "ltsv", "csv", "nginx" and "none".


MNS consume messages

  • endpoint
  • queue
  • wait_seconds
  • poll_interval_seconds Poll messages interval from MNS

For more details about mns configurations, please view MNS documentation in the link above.

Website, license, et. al.

Web site
Source repository
Author Jinhu Wu
License Apache License, Version 2.0


Aliyun OSS input and output plugin for Fluentd






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