This application will display, create, edit & delete items and their categories. You also have the possibility to access items & categories through a JSON- and/or XML-API.
An application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.
Verify that Vagrant is installed and working by typing in the terminal:
vagrant -v # will print out the Vagrant version number
Once you are sure that VirtualBox and Vagrant are installed correctly execute the following:
git clone
cd Udacity_FSWDN_P3_Item_Catalog
cd catalog
--catalog #folder containing tournament files #file that contains the python functions which unit tests will run on # SQLite Database Schema preparation # Dummy Data
----fb_client_secrets.json # JSON file with Facebook Credentials
----google_client_secrets.json # JSON file with Google Plus Credentials
----templates # folder containing HTML templates
------base # folder containing layout HTML templates
--------layout.html # standard layout template
------forms # folder containing HTML templates with forms
--------deleteItem.html # HTML Template for deleting an item
--------editItem.html # HTML Template for editing an item
--------newCategory.html # HTML Template for creating a new category
--------newItem.html # HTML Template for creating a new item
------home.html # HTML Template: Homepage of the Item Catalog Website
------login.html # HTML Template: Login page
------showCategory.html # HTML Template: Show items of one category
------showItem.html # HTML Template: Show one item
--Vagrantfile # template that launches the Vagrant environment # shell script called by Vagrantfile that performs configurations
vagrant up #to launch and provision the vagrant environment
vagrant ssh #to login to your vagrant environment
cd /vagrant
cd catalog
As the app uses Google for authentication, the next step you have to obtain a client id and client secret from Google:
- Go to the Google Developer Console.
- Create a new project.
- Go to APIs & auth - Consent screen and select a valid Email address.
- Go to APIs & auth - Credentials and download the JSON file
- Copy the content of the JSON file to google_client_secrets.json
As the app uses also Facebook for authentication, the next step you have to obtain a client id and client secret from Facebook:
- Go to the Facebook Developer.
- Create a new app (www - website).
- Get the App ID & App Secret
- Copy the App ID & Secret to the fb_client_secrets.json
You are now able to login via Google+ or Facebook to the application. After successfully login you can view, create, edit, delete items & categories.
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
- The app uses Jasny Bootstrap's file input widget for the picture upload.
- The pictures are stored in the database.
- The app uses nonces to prevent cross-site request forgeries (CSFR) when creating, updating and deleting items.
- The app offers two API endpoints:
- /categories/JSON
- /category/int:category_id/JSON
- /category/int:category_id/item/int:item_id/JSON
- XML:
- /categories/XML
- /category/int:category_id/XML
- /category/int:category_id/item/int:item_id/XML
- Python 2.7.9
- Flask 0.9
- Werkzeug 0.8.3