⚡️About me (Click to Expand)
⏳ I’m currently
- 🌱 Learning: Neural Networks, the math behind - Attension, Transformers, Bayesian
💬 Let's discuss: Whether one should risk their 'professional image' to enforce best practices and "The maxim of manner", for instance in academia.
- 😡 Something I hate: When someone refers you to their paper, which provides minimal information and delegates to another paper.
- 🤬 SomeThing I loath:
. It is very hard to inport a package into Machine Learning ToolKit without doing something hacky. Often I must run a search twice
⚡ Famous People whom I look up to: Khabib Nurmagomedov, George hotz, Elon Musk, Ben Goertzel
The evolution of my Github
2018 Post exam hustle
2019 Weekend warrior
2020 Monster unleashed
2021 No step back
2021/2022 5 Courses, day trading, president of Cognitive Science student society. No more coding for fun
2022/2023 9-5 Hustle. No more coding for fun
My passion got me the job every other engineer wishes they had. And now it looks like my passion was just a means to an end.
This must be why Einstein say school kills passion for learning. And why my coworker said to not work on weekends.
My current "Projects" are
- Buy a home
brb need to invent real-estate as code
- Have an emergency fund
- Afford furniture and things to put in said home // this cost over 10% of a downpayment
Boots theory of economics -- Have nice things for the get-go; No "Upgrading"
- Get a car.. Used Toyata, Honda, MX-5. And make it look nice.
| My website | Resume | Linkedin | Medium | Youtube
Currently working as a Software Engineer (L4) at Amazon!
I was a Cognitive Science major at Simon Fraser University, with a background in data science (which includes machine learning) for cyber-security and finance. This skill set is bolstered with natural lanaguge processing & data mining-- as they are often necessities. I am also familiar reverse engineering APIs like that of WealthSimple, my stock broker. President of Cognitive Science Student Society (2021-2022), I started as the VP (2019-2020), and chair of the steering committee (2022).
My favorite course was CMPT 419/726: Machine Learning, a reasearch project based course. I took it at the end of my second academic year, I received an
A year later I took CMPT 419/720: Robotic Autonomy, which was by the same professor but focused on robotics, via optimal control and reinforment learning. I received an
and worked as a Research Assistant at the MARS Lab over the subsequent summer continuing our project. Both these courses were Undergrad & Graduate split.