- version: 1.1.0
- composer name: aligent/orocrm-livechat-bundle
This bundle provides an OroCRM integration for the chat service provided by Live
Chat Inc. When a customer intiiates a chat, this bundle can process the
chat_start webhook and provide Oro Contact information for the LiveChat interface.
On chat_ended webhook we capture the chat transcript and save it to OroCRM
associating it with the relevant contact.
Once installed and configured, the following changes will be visible to the end user:
- In the LiveChat interface, an Agent will see additional customer information in the sidebar (with an Oro icon) when a customer with an existing OroCRM contact initiates a chat.
- In OroCRM you'll see a new option "Chat Transcripts" under the "Activities" menu. This can be used to view past chat transcripts.
- The Activities feed for a contact will include their live chat transcripts.
If a customer without an existing contact in OroCRM initiates a live chat, the transcript will still be recorded in OroCRM, but a contact record will not be created.
Install this module via Composer
composer require aligent/orocrm-livechat-bundle
Clear cache and run migrations
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod php app/console oro:migration:load --force --env=prod
Set a username and password for the webhook via the Oro System Configuration.
Go to "System" then "Configuration". Select "Live Chat Configuration" under "General Setup". Enter a user name and password (note these settings for later) and click "Save". -
Log into your LiveChat web interface. Go to "Settings" (gear icon in top right), then "Integrations", and select "Webhooks",
- Create a webhook for the "chat_started" event (leave all options ticked) using the following URL: https://livechatinc:[PasswordYouSetInStep2]@[YourDomainHere]/livechatinc/webhook/chatStart
- Create a webhook for the "chat_ended" event (leave all options ticked) using the following URL: https://livechatinc:[PasswordYouSetInStep2]@[YourDomainHere]/livechatinc/webhook/chatEnd
If you have any issues with this bundle, please create a pull request with a failing test that demonstrates the problem you've found. If you're really stuck, feel free to open GitHub issue.
Any contribution is highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.
Jim O'Halloran jim@aligent.com.au
OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0
(c) 2017 Aligent Consulting