This project built to demonstrate Kafka Consumer and Producer using Spring Boot. Also experiment with scaling consumer to handle slower consumer problem.
Clone the project
git clone
Start Kafka Cluster
#Windows Powershell
docker-compose-v1.exe -f .\kafka-cluster.yaml up
Create topic random-number with 3 partitions. Open kafka-ui
Start Producer and consumer
#Windows Powershell
docker-compose-v1.exe -f .\producer-consumer.yml up
Use buildkit to build docker images.
# Windows Powershell for docker-compose build ... (additional!)
$env:COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD = 1;$env:DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1;docker-compose-v1.exe -f .\producer-consumer.yml build
COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose -f producer-consumer.yml build
Experiment with scaling consumer in consumer-group
#Making consumer slower than producer. Edit producer-consumer.yml:
#Try to scale up consumer. Number of consumer == number of partition
docker-compose-v1.exe -f .\producer-consumer.yml up --scale sbconsumer=3
Here are some related resources used in this project.