- LAC map management
- LAC map role & option management
- LAC map merging
- LAC in game cellphone wallpaper management
- Import LAC in game cellphone wallpapers without internet connection
- LAC in game screenshot management
- Multiple language support (translate on Crowdin)
You can help translate LAC Tool on Crowdin.
Shizuku is an app which lets other apps elevate their permissions using wireless debugging or root access.
Shizuku method in LAC Tool can be enabled or disabled anytime from settings.
Shizuku method will automatically be enabled if there is no other way for the app to access LAC data. The app will guide you to setup Shizuku if this mode is enabled.
Using GitHub Actions
- Fork the repository
- Add environment variables required for signing from Repository settings > Secrets and variables > Actions > Repository secrets:
this can be obtained usingopenssl base64 -in keystore.jks
- Enable workflows
- Trigger a build workflow and wait for it to build a release variant APK
- Clone the repository
- Add a signing config (unless you only want to build debug variant or sign manually)
- Build APK:
- Release variant:
./gradlew assembleRelease
- Debug variant:
./gradlew assembleDebug
- Release variant: