This project has a more up to date fork at:
clj-ldap is a thin layer on the unboundid sdk and allows clojure programs to talk to ldap servers. This library is available on
:dependencies [[clj-ldap "0.0.4"]]
This library has the same open source license as clojure (Eclipse v 1.0).
(ns example
(:require [clj-ldap.client :as ldap]))
(def ldap-server (ldap/connect {:host ""}))
(ldap/get ldap-server "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")
;; Returns a map such as
{:gidNumber "2000"
:loginShell "/bin/bash"
:objectClass #{"inetOrgPerson" "posixAccount" "shadowAccount"}
:mail ""
:sn "Dudeness"
:cn "dude"
:uid "dude"
:homeDirectory "/home/dude"}
Connects to an ldap server and returns a, thread safe, LDAPConnectionPool. Options is a map with the following entries:
:host Either a string in the form "address:port"
OR a map containing the keys,
:address defaults to localhost
:port defaults to 389 (or 636 for ldaps),
OR a collection containing multiple hosts used for load
balancing and failover. This entry is optional.
:bind-dn The DN to bind as, optional
:password The password to bind with, optional
:num-connections The number of connections in the pool, defaults to 1
:ssl? Boolean, connect over SSL (ldaps), defaults to false
:trust-store Only trust SSL certificates that are in this
JKS format file, optional, defaults to trusting all
:connect-timeout The timeout for making connections (milliseconds),
:timeout The timeout when waiting for a response from the server
(milliseconds), defaults to 5 minutes
Throws a LDAPException if an error occurs establishing the connection pool or authenticating to any of the servers.
An example: (ldap/connect conn {:host "" :num-connections 10})
(ldap/connect conn {:host [{:address "" :port 8000}
{:address ""}
:ssl? true
:num-connections 9})
(ldap/connect conn {:host {:port 8000}})
If successful, returns a map containing the entry for the given DN. Returns nil if the entry doesn't exist.
(ldap/get conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")
Takes an optional collection that specifies which attributes will be returned from the server.
(ldap/get conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" [:cn :sn])
Throws a LDAPException on error.
Adds an entry to the connected ldap server. The entry is map of keywords to values which can be strings, sets or vectors.
(ldap/add conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
{:objectClass #{"top" "person"}
:cn "dude"
:sn "a"
:description "His dudeness"
:telephoneNumber ["1919191910" "4323324566"]})
Throws a LDAPException if there is an error with the request or the add failed.
Modifies an entry in the connected ldap server. The modifications are a map in the form: {:add {:attribute-a some-value :attribute-b [value1 value2]} :delete {:attribute-c :all :attribute-d some-value :attribute-e [value1 value2]} :replace {:attibute-d value :attribute-e [value1 value2]} :increment {:attribute-f value} :pre-read #{:attribute-a :attribute-b} :post-read #{:attribute-c :attribute-d}}
Where :add adds an attribute value, :delete deletes an attribute value and :replace replaces the set of values for the attribute with the ones specified. The entries :pre-read and :post-read specify attributes that have be read and returned either before or after the modifications have taken place.
All the keys in the map are optional e.g:
(ldap/modify conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
{:add {:telephoneNumber "232546265"}})
The values in the map can also be set to :all when doing a delete e.g:
(ldap/modify conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
{:delete {:telephoneNumber :all}})
The values of the attributes given in :pre-read and :post-read are available in the returned map and are part of an atomic ldap operation e.g
(ldap/modify conn "uid=maxuid,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
{:increment {:uidNumber 1}
:post-read #{:uidNumber}})
{:code 0
:name "success"
:post-read {:uidNumber "2002"}}
The above technique can be used to maintain counters for unique ids as described by rfc4525.
Throws a LDAPException on error.
Runs a search on the connected ldap server, reads all the results into memory and returns the results as a sequence of maps. An introduction to ldap searching can be found in this article.
Options is a map with the following optional entries: :scope The search scope, can be :base :one or :sub, defaults to :sub :filter A string describing the search filter, defaults to "(objectclass=*)" :attributes A collection of the attributes to return, defaults to all user attributes e.g (ldap/search conn "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")
(ldap/search conn "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" {:attributes [:cn]})
Throws a LDAPSearchException on error.
Runs a search on the connected ldap server and executes the given function (for side effects) on each result. Does not read all the results into memory.
Options is a map with the following optional entries: :scope The search scope, can be :base :one or :sub, defaults to :sub :filter A string describing the search filter, defaults to "(objectclass=*)" :attributes A collection of the attributes to return, defaults to all user attributes :queue-size The size of the internal queue used to store results before they are passed to the function, the default is 100
e.g (ldap/search! conn "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" println)
(ldap/search! conn "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
{:filter "sn=dud*"}
(fn [x]
(println "Hello " (:cn x))))
Throws a LDAPSearchException if an error occurs during search. Throws an EntrySourceException if there is an eror obtaining search results.
Deletes the given entry in the connected ldap server. Optionally takes a map that can contain the entry :pre-read to indicate the attributes that should be read before deletion.
(ldap/delete conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com")
(ldap/delete conn "cn=dude,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
{:pre-read #{"telephoneNumber"}})
Throws a LDAPException if the object does not exist or an error occurs.