What's Changed
- ✨ feat(useHistoryTravel): add limit history length parameter by @Alt-er in #1921
- 🐛 fix(useAntdTable): typo by @KangXinzhi in #1879
- 🐛 fix(useRequest): multiple unsubscriptions should not delete the last subscription listener by @hchlq in #1916
- 🐛 fix(useFullScreen): When full screen is displayed, the parent element will exit full screen after repeated full screen and full screen exit by @Easy-Martin in #1862
- 📚 docs: fix a typo by @sanjayheaven in #1873
- ⬆️ chore: add commitlint by @miracles1919 in #1876
- ⬆️ chore: upgrade dumi by @miracles1919 in #1896
- ⬆️ chore: update pnpm-lock by @miracles1919 in #1909
- ⬆️ chore: bump
versions by @madhead in #1912 - ⬆️ chore: strong type by @li-jia-nan in #1920
- 💄 style: fix text overflow by @KangXinzhi in #1907
- ✅ test(useCachePlugin): refactor test and add some tests by @miracles1919 in #1872
New Contributors
- @sanjayheaven made their first contribution in #1873
- @Easy-Martin made their first contribution in #1862
- @madhead made their first contribution in #1912
- @ozonep made their first contribution in #1900
- @Alt-er made their first contribution in #1921
Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.7.2