A comparison between Large Language Models for Inventory Optimization
- Test if Large Language Models are able to generate bayesian networks.
- Test if Large Language Models are able to generate proper results with correct reasoning given
different types of prompting strategies:
- Zero Shot Prompting
- Few Shot Prompting
Task 1
- Provide some background context to the LLMs by asking generic questions.
- Using the background ask the LLMs to generate a bayesian network.
- Ask LLMs to generate a corresponding model in Python with visualization capability.
Task 2
- Provide prompts to the LLMs for test (zero shot).
- Provide prompts to the LLMs for training (few shot) and a new test case.
- A lot of the analysis has been done manually. It would be better to generate automated analysis measures.
- GPT-3.5 performs a lot better than BARD in both tasks however in some cases both models perform well.