A neovim plugin that gives you shortcuts to do everyday tasks in dbt.
Current features:
- show full query results in markdown table for current buffer
- Temporary solution for query execution: add this package to your dbt project: alhankeser/dbt_nvim
With lazy.nvim:
dir = 'alhankeser/dbt-nvim',
config = function()
require('dbt-nvim').setup {
venv_path = '.venv', --path to your .venv, used for calling dbt
split_direction = 'horizontal', --where to open query results. other option is vertical
limit = 100, --max number of results to return. limit n gets appended to any query that is run
do_create_file = false, --whether a markdown file should be created for the query results e.g. targets/dbt-nvim/stg_orders.md
In normal mode:
:lua require"dbt-nvim".show()
A keymap idea:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>q', '<cmd>lua require("dbt-nvim").show()<CR>')