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A soft fork of JSSG for algoo websites use case


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Today, it's a django app that can generate a static website with Vite & Typescript integration.


$ git clone
$ cd jssg
$ python3.12 -m venv env/
$ source env/bin/activate
$ direnv allow
$ npm install
$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt


You need to run BOTH npm and the django server. Npm will transpile the typescript code on the fly and provide hot reloading.

Note: if you use direnv, the environment variable DJANGO_DEBUG is set to true. No need to prefix the commands with DJANGO_DEBUG=true.

$ DJANGO_DEBUG=true npm run dev
$ DJANGO_DEBUG=true ./ runserver

Then you can acess the dev server at localhost:8000.


Note: if you use direnv, the environment variable DJANGO_DEBUG is set to true. You must then prefix tho following commands with DJANGO_DEBUG=false.

$ npm run build
$ ./ distill-local --collectstatic --force dist

Then the static site will be available in dist/.

Or, if you prefer docker:

$ sudo docker build -t jssg .
$ sudo docker network create traefik_public
$ sudo docker compose up

With docker the server is accessible at localhost:8003

Config :

For django settings, see

Otherwise, you have to configure the following settings :

  • JFME_DOMAIN : the domain name of your website, for instance "" (used in sitemap file)
  • JFME_CONTENT_DIRS : a list of directories where to look for the site content. Add yours to the list [BASE_DIR / "content"].
    Example : JFME_CONTENT_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / "content"] + [Path("/home/me/my-content")]
  • JFME_PAGE_INDEX : the page that will be printed at url "/", for instance "fr/index/accueil" will be the page in pages/fr/index/ with the slug accueil

Other useful settings :

  • Default metadata : JFME_DEFAULT_METADATA_DICT and JFME_DEFAULT_METADATA_FILEPATH allow to set default metadata for pages and posts. The first one is a python dictionary and the second one is a Path to a file having the same format as metadata section in pages. The order, from less to most priority is : JFME_DEFAULT_METADATA_DICT then JFME_DEFAULT_METADATA_FILEPATH then page metadata.
  • Required metadata : JFME_REQUIRED_METADATA allow to set metadata that are checked with check-metadata command. If some of them are missing or empty, the commend will print it in verbose mode (--verbose)
  • Date format in sitemap.xml : the JFME_SITEMAP_LASTMOD_DATETIME_FORMAT setting allow to give a format for the <lastmod> tag in sitemap. The allowed format are given in Python strftime format.
  • Posts pagination : JFME_NUMBER_OF_POSTS_BY_PAGE give the maximum number of posts in a posts list page. If set to 0 or -1, all posts will be in the first page.
  • JFME_ADDITIONAL_JINJA2_FUNCTIONS : a dict of function name as key and string of python module as value, to add Jinja2 functions.
    For instance {"base64encode": "jssg.templatetags.base_64.base64encode", "md_readtime": "readtime.of_markdown"} will add :
    • the base64encode function in jssg/templatetags/
    • of_markdown function of readtime module as md_readtime Jinja2 function

Dockerfile :

  • In the # Copy source dir section, add COPY <content-dir>/ <content-dir>/ for each content directory in JFME_CONTENT_DIRS


Each directory defined in JFME_CONTENT_DIRS has the following structure :

    |-- templates/
    |   |-- django/
    |   |   |-- blocks/
    |   |   |-- widgets/
    |   |-- jinja2/
    |       |-- blocks/
    |       |-- widgets/
    |-- pages/
    |-- posts/
    |-- static/

Templates :

For Django engine, see
For Jinja2 engine, see
Jinja2 templates are recommended

page.html and post.html are the firsts templates called to render a page or a post. By default, they extend the base.html template.
You can override default templates by placing your content directories before content/ in JFME_CONTENT_DIRS

In Jinja2 templates, you can use :

  • static() function to reach a static content
    example: {{ static('css/styles.css') }} will be replaced by the url for the stylesheet : '/static/css/styles.css'
  • url_for_slug() function to reach an url of a page with his slug
    example: {{ url_for_slug('accueil') }} will be replaced by '/fr/acceuil'
  • url_for_slug_path() function to reach an url of a page with his slug path (used when a slug is duplicated in two different folders)
    example: {{ url_for_slug_path('/fr/accueil') }} will be replaced by '/fr/acceuil'
  • filter_opengraph_metadata to filter all open-graphe metadata in metadata
    example: {% for key, value in object.metadata.items() | filter_opengraph_metadata %} will browse all open-graph metadata
  • markdown tag or function, to write content in markdown
    examples: {% markdown %}**This is strong**{% endmarkdown %}, {{ markdown('# this is title') }}
    The tag allow you to write multiline markdown easily, but the function can be given in parameter, for instance in a widget.

For url_for_slug() and url_for_slug_path(), see doc in jssg/templatetags/

Pages :

Pages contain the content of each web page of the site at url pages/<page-path>/<slug>.html. They are .md files and are structured in 3 sections separated by a line starting with --- :

  • Metadata provide some informartion about the page (description, language...). Each metadata is a key, some spaces, and a value. The title metadata is required for all pages. Some other metadata can be useful, like slug, lang, template_engine or og:<key> (open graph). Metadata are accessible by a dictionary in object.metadata in templates.
  • Data is a section which contains a JSON text. It is accessible by in templates.
  • Body : It is the concrete content of the page, that can be html or template content. For instance, it is possible to use widgets or blocks in this section. It is accessible by object.content in templates.

Posts :

Like pages, they contain the content of each post at url posts/<slug>.html. They require an additional metadata date in ISO format. The default templates also use abstract, author, and category metadata.

Static :

This directory is for the static content, like images, CSS and JavaScript files ...
It is accessible in templates by the Jinja or Django static function.
See the Django doc for static files, or the Jinja2 version.

Blocks or widgets

Widgets are reusable templates used to factor some content in pages. Widgets will be searched in the templates directories, in <django|jinja2>/widgets/.
They are generally Jinja2 macros, and if so, are automatically imported in pages and posts (see

Blocks are parts of content that can have multiple versions. They have no parameter as they use widgets when necessary. It is possible to use the macro block(NAME, [VERSION], [DEFAULT_NAME]), to include a bloc and specify its version. In this case, the block will be searched in the templates directories, in <django|jinja2>/blocks/<block-version>/ .
The VERSION and DEFAULT_NAME arguments of block() are optionnal. If no VERSION is given, the block will be searched directly in blocks/. For VERSION, you can use page metadata, jinja variables, or just strings. For examples, see


For each command, the option -h give u some help.

  • ./ runserver to run the dev server, see Dev for usage
  • ./ distill-local to make the static website, see Prod for usage
  • ./ check-metadata to check if metadata set in JFME_REQUIRED_METADATA are missing or empty in pages
  • ./ list-widgets to list all widgets found in content directories. See an example in
  • ./ format-html <action> to minify or beautify the html content (<action> being minify or beautify)


JFM-Engine is a friendly fork of JSSG made in agreement with the JSSG developer Jonathan Tremesaygues because of different goals.
See the issue #21.


A soft fork of JSSG for algoo websites use case



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