A fully headless demonstration client for CefGlue/3. You can find CefGlue at (https://bitbucket.org/xilium/xilium.cefglue/wiki/Home). This is an example of how you could use Cef and CefGlue to create a simplified headless browser for testing, screenshotting, or video capture. This project borrows ideas and sample code from CefGlue, and others.
The goals of the project are:
- Create a simple interface to a headless Cef browser implementation.
- Minimize CPU impact and not do any more work than necessary.
- Simplify common tasks like resizing, image capture, issuing mouse events.
- Embrace asynchronous programming and provide convenient interfaces to controlling asynchronous tasks in C#.
You will need CefGlue, and a fully compiled binary for Cef for your operating system, which you can find here (http://opensource.spotify.com/cefbuilds/index.html). Note: you must get the exact right version of CEF for your version of CefGlue. Place these files in the Dependencies/ folder and use the text file describing what files need to be where.
When the sample app in this demo builds, it XCOPY's the files from the Dependencies/ folder to the location of your EXE.
If you get something about 'Unexpected Image' or 'Bad Image' its either because you are using the X64 version of CEF for a X86 version of your app or vice versa.
If you get something about a missing image, then it's probably because you haven't got the CEF binaries in the same folder as your EXE. Take a look at the TXT file in the Dependencies/ folder for information. I can't include these files for licensing reasons.