Releases: alexruperez/SpeechRecognizerButton
Releases · alexruperez/SpeechRecognizerButton
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.2.0
- Added auto stop. Thanks @Jiawen-Zhang!
- Reset speech recognizer when changing locale. Thanks @johnjcamilleri!
- Ready to Swift 5.0.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.8
- Ready to Swift 4.2. Thanks @SpectralDragon!
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.7
- Ready to Swift 4.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.6
- speechRecognition IBInspectable property.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.5
- pushToTalk IBInspectable property.
- cancelOnDrag IBInspectable property.
- activityIndicatorView IBOutlet property.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.4
- cornerRadius IBInspectable property.
- borderColor IBInspectable property.
- borderWidth IBInspectable property.
- selectedColor IBInspectable property.
- highlightedColor IBInspectable property.
- disabledColor IBInspectable property.
- highlightedAlpha IBInspectable property.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.3
- shouldHideWaveform IBInspectable property.
- play(updatingWaveform: Bool) method.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.2
- Custom usage description authorization error handling.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.1
- Sounds and vibration options.
- SFButton inspectable properties.
SpeechRecognizerButton 0.1.0
- First release.