Yes, the app name literally means "read translate." This app was heavily inspired by TachiyomiSY, a fantastic app to read manga. Thanks jobobby04 👍.
Currently, there are no migration featuresk, so you will have to clear all the data of the app if you want a newer version. To do this, go to Settings -> Apps -> DuFanYi -> Storage -> Clear Data.
To actually use the app to read novels, first legally obtain a txt of the text. In this txt, the first three lines must be the title, author, and status, respectively. After that, the chapters titles must be "第X章 ..." or just "第X章" where X is a number. There should not be any blank lines at all. Here is an example of a txt that works: 他先爱上她的_毛吉.txt. To upload this text, go to browse and just upload the txt. Wait for it to finish uploading before going to Library. After that, just click on the series and read. If you want to update a series already in your library, you have to unfortunately delete it first.
- Add delete feature
- Pagination
- Add translation features
- Documentation... eventually
It doesn't. At least I'm trying.