A RubyMotion wrapper around the iOS and OSX Address Book frameworks for RubyMotion apps.
Apple's Address Book Programming Guide for iOS or for OSX
Add these lines to your application's Rakefile
require 'bundler'
Add this line to your application's Gemfile
gem 'motion-addressbook'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install motion-addressbook
iOS 6/7 requires that the user give permission before it allows an app to access the AddressBook.
1 - Let the gem take care of it for you
ab = AddressBook::AddrBook.new
# ...do something else...
people = ab.people
The people
method will raise an exception if called while
authorization has not been granted.
2 - Manually decide when to ask the user for authorization
# asking whether we are already authorized
if AddressBook.authorized?
puts "This app is authorized!"
puts "This app is not authorized!"
# ask the user to authorize us (blocking)
if AddressBook.request_authorization
# do something now that the user has said "yes"
# do something now that the user has said "no"
** NOTE **
The API which is used in AddressBook.request_authorization
is deprecated at iOS 10 and causes a crash.
Please insert app.info_plist['NSContactsUsageDescription']
in your Rakefile for authorization instead of using AddressBook.request_authorization
app.info_plist['NSContactsUsageDescription'] = 'Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s contacts.'
3 - Manually ask the user but do it asynchronously (this is how Apple's API works)
# ask the user to authorize us
AddressBook.request_authorization do |granted|
# this block is invoked sometime later
if granted
Dispatch::Queue.main.sync do
# do something now that the user has said "yes"
# This has to be done on the main thread.
# do something now that the user has said "no"
# do something here before the user has decided
The iOS6 simulator does not demand AddressBook authorization. The iOS7 simulator does.
address_book = AddressBook::AddrBook.new
address_book.picker do |person|
if person
# person is an AddressBook::Person object
# canceled
You can also specify the presenting controller:
AddressBook.pick presenter: self do |person|
AddressBook.create do |person|
if person
# person is an AddressBook::Person object
# canceled
Get a list of existing people from the Address Book. On IOS, results are sorted using the sort order (First/Last or Last/First) chosen by the user in iOS Settings.
ab = AddressBook::AddrBook.new
=> [#<AddressBook::Person:3: {:first_name=>"John", :last_name=>"Appleseed", ...}>, ...]
Create a new Person and save to the Address Book.
Note that Person records can take multiple values for email addresses, phone numbers, postal address, social profiles, and instant messaging profiles.
ab.create_person(:first_name => 'Alex', :last_name => 'Rothenberg', :emails => [{ :value => 'alex@example.com', :label => 'Home'}], :phones => [{ :value => '9920149993', :label => 'Mobile'}])
=> #<AddressBook::Person:7: {:first_name=>"Alex", :last_name=>"Rothenberg", ...}>
Construct a new blank Person but do not store it immediately in the Address Book.
ab.new_person(:first_name => "Bob")
=> #<AddressBook::Person:-1: {:first_name=>"Bob"}>
ab.last_name = 'Brown'
=> #<AddressBook::Person:9: {:first_name=>"Bob", :last_name=>"Brown"}>
Get a list of all people matching one attribute with .find_all_by_XXX
=> [#<AddressBook::Person:14: {:first_name=>"Alex", :last_name=>"Rothenberg", ...}>]
Get the first person matching one attribute with .find_by_XXX
=> #<AddressBook::Person:14: {:first_name=>"Alex", :last_name=>"Rothenberg", ...}>]
Get a list of all people matching several attributes with .where
AddressBook::Person.where(:email => 'alex@example.com', :first_name => 'Alex')
=> [#<AddressBook::Person:14: {:first_name=>"Alex", :last_name=>"Rothenberg", ...}>]
Look for an existing person or get a new one if none is found find_or_new_by_XXX
=> #<AddressBook::Person:17: {:first_name=>"Alex", :last_name=>"Rothenberg", ...}>]
alex = AddressBook::Person.find_by_email('alex@example.com')
alex.job_title = 'RubyMotion Developer'
Or to alter all the attributes at once (preserve the record identifier but change some or all of the values):
alex = AddressBook::Person.find_by_email('alex@example.com')
alex.replace({:first_name=>"Alex", :last_name=>"Rider", ...})
=> [#<AddressBook::Group:1:Friends: 1 members>, #<AddressBook::Group:2:Work: 0 members>]
g = ab.groups.first
=> [#<AddressBook::Person:2: {:first_name=>"Daniel", :last_name=>"Higgins", ...}>]
The iOS Address Book does not deliver notifications of changes through
the standard Notification Center. motion-addressbook
wraps the
framework ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback
call with an
optional handler that converts the update event to an iOS
proc = Proc.new {|notification| NSLog "Address Book was changed!" }
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserverForName(:addressbook_updated, object:nil, queue:NSOperationQueue.mainQueue, usingBlock:proc)
# Or if you're using BubbleWrap:
App.notification_center.observe :addressbook_updated do |notification|
NSLog "Address Book was changed!"
The notification must be explicitly enabled in your application. In some cases iOS appears to trigger multiple notifications for the same change event, and if you are doing many changes at once you will receive a long stream of notifications.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request