This is a library for interacting with AnonFiles related APIs:
anonfiles: ^<latest-version>
import 'package:anonfiles/anonfiles.dart';
The usage is pretty straightforward:
final client = AnonFiles(); // LetsUpload() and FileChan() are also available.
final AnonFileUploadResponse? response = await client.uploadFileBytes(
byteStream: byteStream,
filename: filename,
length: length,
final String htmlDownloadUrl = response!.htmlDownloadUrl!;
final String? fileDirectDownloadUrl =
await client.getDirectDownloadUrl(htmlDownloadUrl);
Check /example for details.
- For security and vulnerability reports, go to
- For support, questions, bugs and feature requests open a new issue.
First off, fork the repository.
Setup dev environment:
# Clone repo.
$ git clone <your-fork-url>
$ cd anonfiles.dart
# Get deps.
$ dart pub get
# Dart code gen for data models.
$ dart run derry run gen:dart:watch
- Commit and push:
git add .
git commit -m "Describe changes"
git push origin main
- Open PR.