Unitree go2 ROS 1 Drivers implemented using Python WebRTC interface
This project enables a ROS interface that talks to the go2 through WebRTC and sends sport commands, and receives the camera and lidar data and publishes it out as ROS topics
joy_cmd_vel ✅
urdf + state publisher ✅
robot odom ✅
lidar pointcloud ✅
camera_stream ✅
install ROS 1 with http://wiki.ros.org/noetic/Installation/Ubuntu
create a catkin workspace
mkdir -p ~/go2_catkin_ws/src
cd ~/go2_catkin_ws/src
git clone --recursive https://github.com/alexlin2/unitree_go2_ros.git
export GO2_TOKEN="your token"
export GO2_IP="robot ip"
launch go2_base_node
roslaunch go2_driver go2.launch
In another terminal:
cd go2webrtc-rs
cargo build
./target/debug/go2webrtc-rc --robot
python go2cv.py
Connect XBOX controller and have fun
Special thanks to tfoldi for his work on the WebRTC interface and Brimo for joint states and urdf