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A Node.js wrapper around ripgrep

Note: I have nothing to do with ripgrep or the search functionality of this JS library. This is only a wrapper to expose ripgrep results in Node.js. All credit for the underlying tool go to @BurntSushi and the lovely contributors to the original project.

Also Note: ripgrep must be installed somewhere in your $PATH for this to work.


import { ripGrep as rg } from 'ripgrep-js';

// Give `rg` an absolute path to search in and the search term
const results = await rg('path/to/search', 'foo');

// `results` is an array of matches
const [firstMatch] = results;

// Match information provided by each result object
// This matches the JSON format that RipGrep itself produces

You can also pass an object as the second argument, which supports the following keys:

  • regex: string A regex pattern to match by. Note: this is a Rust-flavored regex pattern, not a JS one
  • string: string A string to match by. Same as passing a string as the second argument.
  • globs: Array<string> An array of glob patterns to limit the results by
  • fileType: Array<string> | string File type or types to limit the search to
  • multiline: boolean Whether or not to enable multi-line matches

For further details and information, you can find real usage examples in test/test.js.