Dear candidate, please follow this readme and solve all questions.
Before you can start, you should prepare your development environment.
Using Symfony with Homestead/Vagrant
In order to develop a Symfony application, you might want to use a virtual development environment instead of the built-in server or WAMP/LAMP. Homestead is an easy-to-use Vagrant box to get a virtual environment up and running quickly.
Before you can use Homestead, you need to install and configure Vagrant and Homestead as explained in the Homestead documentation.
This test requires:
- access to the internet
- php capable IDE (we suggest PhpStorm with symfony, yaml, twig and php annotations plugin)
- working setup of PHP 5.6 (
- Doctrine ODM is not compatible with PHP 7.0
- composer (
- mongoDB (
- nginx or alternative simple web server
Tip: Install Robomongo on your OS
Tip: Clone the test repository and make sure it's working. Access the project with your favourite browser. You should see similar welcome screen. Dont forget to run composer install.
Help: PHP 5.6+ (debian/ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install -qq php5-cli php5-fpm php5-mysqlnd php5-curl php5-gd php5-json php5-redis php5-imap php5-intl php5-imagick php5-mcrypt php5-xdebug php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-twig php5-mongo php5-dev
Help: (optional) PECL MongoDB library (debian/ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install pkg-config libssl-dev && sudo pecl update-channels && sudo pecl install mongodb
Good luck!
Before you start
- usage of Guzzle is allowed
- you can extend composer.json / add own libraries
- try to follow SOLID and DRY concepts
Create a new Bundle "NasaBundle" within the namespace "Neo"
Create a default controller with a method helloAction
- under
namespace - for route
- with a proper json return
- Use the
- the API-KEY is
- documentation:
- Write a command
- to request the data from the last 3 days from nasa api
- response contains count of NEOs
- persist the values in your DB (mongoDB)
- Define the document as follows:
- date
- reference (neo_reference_id)
- name
- speed (kilometers_per_hour)
- is hazardous (is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid)
- Create a route
- display all DB documents which contain potentially hazardous asteroids
- format JSON
- Create a route
- display a DB document data with the fastest asteroid
- format JSON
- Test your application
- Consider the following code
$str1 = 'foobardoo';
$str2 = 'foo';
if (strpos($str1, $str2)) {
echo "\"" . $str1 . "\" contains \"" . $str2 . "\"";
} else {
echo "\"" . $str1 . "\" does not contain \"" . $str2 . "\"";
The output will be:
"foobardoo" does not contain "foo"
Why? How can this code be fixed to work correctly?
Save your solution under bonusTasksSolutions.php
- How many elements contains the $_POST data after executing this request and why?
// JavaScript, jQuery
url: '',
method: 'post',
data: JSON.stringify({a: 'a', b: 'b'}),
contentType: 'application/json'
Save your solution under bonusTasksSolutions.php
- Solve the statement. Write down your solution.
A bread with butter cost 1.10 €. The bread is 1€ more expensive then the butter. How much does the butter cost?
Save your solution under bonusTasksSolutions.php
- Go to app/config/config.yml and add the following yaml structure. (NOTICE: ping is a child-key of test)
ping: pong
- write a command called
which accepts 1 argumentid
- The command should check if a document with an id of the argument exists
- if document exists, return info "document exists"
- if document doesn't exist, return error "document doesn't exist"
- Add a propmpt for your command. Prompt text is "This is a test. Do you want to continue (y/N) ?"
- If you decline, return error "Nothing done. Exiting..."
- If you accept, run the command