Developed by @alexisreis
June - August 2022
Full documentation for this project is available here :
A flask server is used in order to :
- send data to MySQL DB
- send images to the OpenCV library to enhanced them
You need a virtual environment to run Python with the libraries used.
In development Python 3.10
was used.
cd server
python -m venv venv
pip install flask flask_cors opencv-python flask_mysqldb PyJWT openpyxl
pandas gunicorn python-dotenv
# Or you can just use the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the virtual environment is set up, and the libraries installed you can start the server :
- activate the virtual environment (if it's not already done)
- launch the server
You can now have access to the builded version of the app via http://localhost:5000/ if you work in local.
This section is useful if you wish to edit the frontend of the app.
You will need to install NodeJS
on your system.
To start the development server on localhost :
cd client
npm run start
To build it :
cd client
npm run build
It will create a build
folder for your code.
To edit the custom annotorious widgets made with React just follow these steps :
cd client
npm install
Then build your edits
npm run build
You can now reopen index.html
and your edits will normally appear.