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experiments in real-time body tracking by multi-camera triangulation and neural network


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Uwupose experiment repo

We perform Foot and Hip tracking for steamVR in real-time. Using only ML and cameras. no trackers attached.

"Highly experimental, mostly impractical - you have been warned!"


Uwupose is able to simulate ankle and hip trackers at 10-12hz with 2 cameras.

It estimates your pose in 2D from 2 camera image streams, then performs triangulation to estimate your overall 3D pose.

Chair Foot raises


Benchmark/Dev machine

  • i5 4670k
  • 16gb ram
  • GTX 1060 3GB


  • 10 fps leg-and-hip poses to steamVR
  • 450ms of end-to-end latency (130ms is webcam latency)
  • 40-50% CPU usage in task manager (on a 4 core CPU)
  • 400MB of ram is used. (good result)


  • poor performance on 4 core CPU, 10 year-old.
    • I would like to test on one of those 6/8 core CPUs of today.
  • Running multiple mediapipe-pose solutions on different threads is probably not the correct way;
    • cpu usage goes up linearly (expected)
    • the FPS of inference reduces drastically; to half. (unexpected!)
    • This means that despite CPU doing 2x the work, the performance is drop drastically. Something is blocking.
  • running 3 mediapipe pose pipelines will cause steamVR to stutter badly and take up 70-80% cpu. VRChat will crash. Main thread keeps getting timeout-ed (in steamvr, Now loading... appears).
    • Running 2 MP-pose barely allows me to load the VRchat world.
  • memory usage is a non-issue.
  • MP pose is very bad when the face is not visible.
  • MP pose often thinks I am facing the opposite direction if the face is not visible.
  • It is very very difficult to get a correct extrinsic calibration of the cameras. It is even more difficult to figure out/ visualise/ ascertain that these numbers are correct!

High level of Uwupose

  1. Setup
    • Input: mounted webcams.
    • Use Charuco board and multical to obtain the cameras' intrinsic and extrinsic matrix (required to do triangulation)
  2. ML inference
    • Use mediapipe (2D pose estimation) to get person's pose in image
  3. Triangulation
    • Do triangulation using the outputs of stage 1 and 2.
    • Use Aniposelib API (C * 2D image points -> 3D world points)
  4. (not in picture)
    • rotate, translate the world points to match the headset's reported position.
    • send to steamVR (use driver from Apriltag tracker repo)

Drawing out the main ideas

Development environment

  • Windows 10
  • Python 3.7 anaconda env.
  • Two USB webcams attached to DIFFERENT USB ports/hub/buses

How to run it?

  • setup freemocap from the original repo. (install their dependencies)
  • Install the 'Apriltag tracker driver' that Mediapipe-VR-Fullbody-Tracking is using
  • obtain intrinsic and extrinsic calibration of at least 2 cameras.
    • What worked:
      • I used multical
        • So the funny thing is that this repo outputs the correct coordinate system. However, you need to convert the rotation_matrix like this:
          • use Scipy Rotation.toRotationVector(result_Rotation_matrix)
    • What not work
      • I tried argus and wandsomething, I don't know what its doing.
      • The future is obviously wand calibration or something like that, instead of the clunky charuco board
    • your results, put them in the file calibration.toml
  • now run of this repo.
    • choose your cameras from the list.
      • choose the top radio button to see that the cameras are opened in the right ordering - same order as the calibration.toml
    • now, go ahead to 'start working'
      • you should see cameras image and your joint detected in real-time.
      • you should see that the 3d trackers have spawned in steamVR.
        • They may be far away, slanted, facing up, left, whatever.
          • But if you raise your foot and it seems to match up, you know your extrinsic calibration is ok!
        • if they dont appear there is a few reasons:
          • possible the trackers are > 10m away from origin of SteamVR. The driver is filtering those data out. this really should not happen if your Camera_0 is at (0,0,0)
          • possible the trackers are in strange location that SteamVR can't render.
          • possible the triangulation (esp. extrinsics!) is totally wrong. this will cause the triangulation to have very high reprojection error, resulting in no data being sent to SteamVR.
            • To solve this, god help you (really, I don't know how to fix a bad extrinsic calibration except for trying hard to redo calibration!)
      • you should see the ui screen, same like in mediapipe-pose-VR repo.
        • warn: only the calibrate and neck offset button works at this time.
        • stand straight in front of the cameras, click the button 'calibrate'
        • observe the sliders at the top have moved. calibration has been done.
        • now go back to vr and observe your trackers are at the correct position, matching your body.
  • with the trackers tracking your body (ankle and hip), lauch your game and do the normal calibration in-game just like normal trackers.
  • enjoy your crappy 10hz tracking with only cameras! :D


Uwupose is built on the prior work:

todo the following - original README from FMC


Open an Anaconda-enabled command prompt or powershell window and perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Python3.7 Anaconda environment
$ conda create -n freemocap-env python=3.7
  1. Activate that newly created environment
$ conda activate freemocap-env
  1. Install freemocap from PyPi using pip
$ pip install freemocap

That should be it!

Basic Usage


tl;dr- Activate the the freemocap Python environment and run the following lines of code (either in a script or in a console)

import freemocap

But COOL KIDS will install Blender ( and generate an awesome .blend file animation by setting useBlender=True:

import freemocap

This two-line script is a copy of the file, which can be run by entering the following command into a command prompt or powershell:

(freemoocap-env)$ python

In a bit more detail-

1) In an Anaconda enabled Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Windows Terminal window

  • You will know if it's Anaconda Enabled because you will see a little (base) to the left of each line, which denotes that your (base) environment is currently active.
  • We recommend Windows Terminal so you can enjoy all the Rich✨ formatted text output, but you'll need to do a bit of work to connect it to Anaconda (e.g. these instructions )
    • If that seems intimidating (or just too much work), just press the Windows key, type Anaconda Prompt and run everything from there.

2) Activate your freemocap environment

  • e.g. if your freemocap environment is named freemocap-env, type:
(base)$ conda activate freemocap-env
  • If successful, the (base) to the left of each line will change to (freemocap-env), indicating that your freemocap environment is now active (type conda info --envs or conda info -e for a list of all available environments)

3) Activate an ipython console

  • Activate an instance of an ipython console by typing ipython into the command window and pressing 'Enter'
(freemocap-env)$ ipython

4) Within the ipython console, import the freemocap package

[1]: import freemocap

5) Execute the freemocap.RunMe() command (with default parameters, see #runme-input-parameters for more info)

[2]: freemocap.RunMe() #<-this is where the magic happens!

6) Follow instructions in the Command window and pop-up GUI windows!



You can re-start the processing pipeline from any of the following processing stages (defined below)by specifying the SessionID desired stage in the call to freemocap.RunMe()

So to process the session named sesh_2021-11-21_19_42_07 starting from stage 3 (aka, skipping the 1- recording and 2- synchronization stages), run:

import freemocap
freemocap.RunMe(sessionID="sesh_2021-11-21_19_42_07", stage=3)

Note - if you leave sessionID unspecified but set stage to a number higher than 1, it will attempt to use the last recorded session (but this can be buggy atm)

  • Stage 1 - Record Videos

    • Record raw videos from attached USB webcams and timestamps for each frame
    • Raw Videos saved to FreeMoCap_Data/[Session Folder]/RawVideos
  • Stage 2 - Synchronize Videos

    • Use recorded timestamps to re-save raw videos as synchronized videos (same start and end and same number of frames). Videos saved to
    • Synchronized Videos saved to FreeMoCap_Data/[Session Folder]/SynchedVideos
  • Stage 3 - Calibrate Capture Volume

    • Use Anipose's Charuco-based calibration method to determine the location of each camera during a recording session and calibrate the capture volume
    • Calibration info saved to [sessionID]_calibration.toml and [sessionID]_calibration.pickle
  • Stage 4 - Track 2D points in videos and Reconstruct 3D <-This is where the magic happens ✨

    • Apply user specified tracking algorithms to Synchronized videos (currently supporting MediaPipe, OpenPose, and DeepLabCut) to generate 2D data
      • Save to FreeMoCap_Data/[Session Folder]/DataArrays/ folder (e.g. mediaPipeData_2d.npy)
    • Combine 2d data from each camera with calibration data from Stage 3 to reconstruct the 3d trajectory of each tracked point
      • Save to /DataArrays folder (e.g. openPoseSkel_3d.npy)
    • NOTE - you might think it would make sense to separate the 2d tracking and 3d reconstruction into different stages, but the way the code is currently set up it's cleaner to combine them into the same processing stage Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
  • Stage 5 - Use Blender to generate output data files (optional, requires Blender installed. set freemocap.RunMe(useBlender=True) to use)

    • Hijack a user-installed version of Blender to format raw mocap data into a .blend file including the raw data as keyframed emtpies with a (sloppy, inexpertly) rigged and meshed armatured based on the Rigify Human Metarig
    • Save .blend file to [Session_Folder]/[Session_ID]/[Session_ID].blend
    • You can double click that .blend file to open it in Blender.
    • For instructions on how to navigate a Blender Scene, try this YouTube Tutorial
  • Stage 6 - Save Skeleton Animation!

    • Create a Matplotlib based output animation video.
    • Saves Animation video to: [Session Folder]/[SessionID]_animVid.mp4
    • Note - This part takes for-EVER πŸ˜…

freemocap.RunMe() Specify recording session paramters

The freemocap.RunMe() function takes a number of parameters that can be used to alter it's default behavior in important ways. Here are the default parameters along with a followed by a brief description of each one.

RunMe - Default parameters

#in `freemocap/`
def RunMe(sessionID=None,
        runOpenPose = True, 
        setDataPath = False,
        userDataPath = None,
        recordVid = True,
        showAnimation = True,
        reconstructionConfidenceThreshold = .7,
        charucoSquareSize = 36, #mm
        calVideoFrameLength = .5,
        startFrame = 0,
        useBlender = False,
        resetBlenderExe = False,
      	get_synced_unix_timestamps = True,
        good_clean_frame_number = 0,
  • sessionID

    • Type - (str)
    • [Default] - None.
    • Indentifying string to use for this session.
    • If creating a new session, default behavior is to autogerate SessionID is based on date and time that the session was recorded
    • If re-processing a previously recorded session, this value specifies which session to reprocess (must be the name of a folder within the FreeMoCap_Data folder)
  • stage

    • [Type] - Int
    • [Default] - 1
    • Which processing stage to start from. Processing stages are deined in more detail in #processing-stages
    stage 1 - Record Raw Videos
    stage 2 - Synchronize Videos
    stage 3 - Camera Calibration
    stage 4 - 2d Tracking and 3d Calibration
    stage 5 - Create output files (using Blender)
    stage 6 - Create output animation (Matplotlib)
  • useMediaPipe

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • Whether or not to use the MediaPipe tracking method in stage=4
  • runMediaPipe

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • Whether or not to RUN the MediaPipe tracking method in stage=4 (will use previously processed data. This can save a lot of time when re-processing long videos)
  • useOpenPose

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • Whether or not to use the OpenPose tracking method in stage=4
  • runOpenPose

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • Whether or not to RUN the OpenPose tracking method in stage=4 (will use previously processed data. This can save a lot of time when re-processing long videos)
  • useDeepLabCut

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • Whether or not to use the DeepLabCut model/project specified at dlcConfigPath to track objects in stage=4
  • setDataPath

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • Trigger the GUI that prompts user to specify location of FreeMoCap_Data
  • userDataPath

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • path to the location of FreeMoCap_Data
  • recordVid

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • wehether to save the matplotlib animation to an .mp4 file
  • showAnimation

    • [Type] - BOOL
    • [Default] - False,
    • wehether to save the matplotlib animation to an .mp4 file
  • reconstructionConfidenceThreshold

    • [Type] - float in range(0,1),
    • [Default] - .7
    • Threshold 'confidence' value to include a point in the 3d reconstruction step
  • charucoSquareSize

    • [Type] = int
    • [Default] = 36,
    • The size of a side of a black square in the Charuco board used in this calibration. The default value of 36 is approximately appropriate for a print out on an 8 in bu 10 in paper (US Letter, approx A4)
  • calVideoLength

    • [Type] = int, float in range (0,1), or [int, int]
    • [Default] = .5,
    • What portion of the videos to use in the Anipose calibration step in stage=3. -1 uses the whole recording, a number between 0 and 1 defines a proprotion of the video to use, and a tuple of two numbers defines the start and end frame
  • startFrame

    • [Type] = int
    • [Default] = 0,
    • what frame of the video to start the animation in stage=6
  • useBlender

    • [Type] = BOOL
    • [Default] = True,
    • Whether to use Blender to create output .blend, .fbx,.usd,and .gltf files
  • resetBlenderExe

    • [Type] = BOOL
    • [Default] = False,
    • Whether to launch GUI to set Blender .exe path (usually something like C:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/2.95/)
  • get_synced_unix_timestamps

    • [Type] = BOOL
    • [Default] = True,
    • Whether to save camera timestamps in Unix Epoch Time in addition to the default 'counting up from zero' timestamps. Very helpful for synchronizing FreeMoCap with other softwares
  • good_clean_frame_number

    • [Type] = int
    • [Default] = 0,
    • A frame where the subject is standing in something like a T-pose or an A-pose, which will be used to scale the armature created via the useBlender=True option. If set to default (0) the software will attempt to locate this frame automatically by looking for a frame where all markers are visible with high confidence values (but this is buggy)
  • bundle_adjust_3d_points [EXPERIMENTAL as of May 2022]

    • [Type] = BOOL
    • [Default] = False,
    • When set to True, the system will run a bundle adjust optimization of all recorded 3d points produced in stage=4 using aniposelib's optim_points method. This takes a rather long time, but can signicantly clean up the resulting recordings. However,it may also "over smooth" the data. We're in the process of testing this method out now

Charuco Board Information

  • Our calibration method relies on Anipose's Charuco-based calibration method to determine the location of each camera during a recording session. This information is later used to create the 3d reconstruction of the tracked points

  • IMPORTANT The Charuco board shown to the camera MUST be generated with the cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_250 dictionary!

  • Ah high resoultion png of this Charuco board is in this repository at /charuco_board_image_highRes.png

    • To generate your own board, use the following python commands (or equivalent). DO NOT CHANGE THE PARAMETERS OR THE CALIBRATION WILL NOT WORK:
      import cv2
      aruco_dict = cv2.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_250) #note `cv2.aruco` can be installed via `pip install opencv-contrib-python`
      board = cv2.aruco.CharucoBoard_create(7, 5, 1, .8, aruco_dict)
      charuco_board_image = board.draw((2000,2000)) #`2000` is the resolution of the resulting image. Increase this number if printing a large board (bigger is better! Esp for large spaces!


Both Deeplabcut and OpenPose are technically supported, but both are rather under-tested at the moment.

Follow the GitHub Repository and/or Join the Discord ( for updates!

Stay Tuned for more soon!



experiments in real-time body tracking by multi-camera triangulation and neural network







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