Setup for everyday text editing and programming.
- Completion
- Spelling, dict
- Snippets
- Explorer
- File Manager
- Terminal
- Status line
- Language Server Protocol
- Debug Adapter Protocol
- NVIM v0.6.0
Check and run the ì
Launch Neovim and run the command to install the plugins dependencies.
All the plugins used in this configuration. I tend to keep it small as possible.
* LuaSnip
* cmp-buffer
* cmp-cmdline
* cmp-nvim-lsp
* cmp-nvim-lua
* cmp-path
* cmp_luasnip
* galaxyline.nvim
* gitsigns.nvim
* lspkind-nvim
* lspsaga.nvim
* material.vim
* neogit
* null-ls.nvim
* nvim-autopairs
* nvim-bqf
* nvim-cmp
* nvim-comment
* nvim-dap
* nvim-dap-ui
* nvim-lsp-installer
* nvim-lspconfig
* nvim-markdown-preview
* nvim-tree.lua
* nvim-treesitter
* nvim-ts-autotag
* nvim-web-devicons
* packer.nvim
* plenary.nvim
* popup.nvim
* rnvimr
* telescope.nvim
* toggleterm.nvim
* which-key.nvim