Ce projet consiste a recoder un shell en se basant sur les projets d'Epitech minishell1/2/42sh
Un simple make fonctionnera, cmake est aussi configuré. Des script d'installations arriveront plus tard
- Builtins
- cd
- env
- setenv
- unsetenv
- exit
- alias
- Variables evaluation (environment,
$?, $ $) - Separators
- Pipes
- Redirections
The directory must contain: tests => the file that describes all the tests to be executed tester.sh => the test-executing script mysh => your binary
'tests' file contains a series of numbered tests. Each test is placed between markers. For instance: [42] => beginning of the test number 42 [42-END] => end of the test number 42 In between those markers, the following instructions must be found: SETUP="script" => script to be executed before launching the test NAME="name" => name of the test CLEAN="script" => script to be executed after launching the test TESTS=... => series of commands to be sent to the shell
Arguments : ./tester.sh => no argument : all the tests are executed + debug mode for the KO tests only ./tester.sh 42 => 1 argument : only this one test is executed ./tester.sh -d 42 => debug mode : printing of the 42sh and tcsh outputs
The batch tester launches the tests with tcsh, then with mysh and compare the results.
Binary Name and Reference Shell can be setup in tester.sh script