- Use the Django framework.
- Using server-side rendering in Django.
- Developing a web application using Django with MVT structure (Model-View-Template).
- The app is an MVP (Produit Viable Minimum).
- Site that lists gaming establishments offering Cash Game poker.
- Only in France.
- He site has geographical separations.
- This repository comes with a pre-populated SQLite database of some user accounts.
- we have used SQLite for this project.
Tested on Windows 10, Python 3.10.6. and Django 4.2.2
$ git clone https://github.com/alexandre-75/Develop_a_web_application_CashGameEdge.git
python<version> -m venv nom_env_virtuel
Activate the environment `mon_env_virtuel\Scripts\activate` (Windows)
pip<version> install -r requirements.txt
From the project root folder, go with the terminal to the source folder :
cd source/
Run the server by executing the command :
python manage.py runserver
Open your favorite browser and navigate to the local development server at :
Username: gazelle732
Password: password
- From the project root folder, go with the terminal to the source folder :
python manage.py loaddata data.json