A WP CLI command to seed your WordPress database with dummy data.
- PHP 8.0 or higher.
- Composer
Clone the repository under the wp-content/plugins
directory of your WordPress installation.
git clone git@github.com:alessandrotesoro/wp-cli-seeder.git
Install the dependencies.
composer install
Activate the plugin.
wp plugin activate wp-cli-seeder
Run the seed command.
wp seed
Seed the database with dummy products for WooCommerce.
The seeding process makes use of a dataset of 10k products. The command will ask you a few questions to determine how many products you want to seed and if you want to seed products with images.
More datasets may be added in the future.
Delete all products from the database.
Seed the database with dummy discounted sale prices for products. Note that this command will randomly select products to apply the sale price to. You will be asked to specify how many products you want to apply the sale price to.
This command will randomly select products to mark as featured. You will be asked to specify how many products you want to mark as featured.
Apply a stock status to random products. You will be asked to specify how many products you want to apply the stock status to and which status you want to apply.
Apply a stock quantity to random products. You will be asked to specify how many products you want to apply the stock quantity to. The quantity will be randomly generated between 1 and 100.
Seed the database with dummy product categories. You will be asked to specify how many categories you want to seed and if you want to then assign the categories to products.
Seed the database with dummy product tags. You will be asked to specify how many tags you want to seed and if you want to then assign the tags to products.
The command will help you generate random terms for product attributes that already exist in the database. You will be asked to specify how many terms you want to generate and which attribute you want to generate the terms for.
At the end of the process, you will be asked if you want to assign the generated terms to products.
Seed the database with dummy product reviews. You will be asked to specify for how many products you want to seed reviews. The command will create one review for each product.
The command will help you generate meta values for products based on custom fields that created via the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. You will be asked to specify how many products you want to generate meta values for and which custom field you want to generate the values for.
Currently supported field types are:
- Text
- Textarea
- Number
- Radio
- Select
- Checkbox
Seed the database with dummy posts. You will be asked to specify how many posts you want to seed and for which post type. Only public post types are supported.
Delete all posts from the database.
The command will help you generate meta values for posts based on custom fields that created via the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. You will be asked to specify how many posts you want to generate meta values for and which custom field you want to generate the values for.
Currently supported field types are the same as for products.
Seed the database with dummy terms for a specific taxonomy. You will be asked to specify how many terms you want to seed and for which taxonomy. At the end of the process, you will be asked if you want to assign the generated terms to posts.
Seed the database with dummy users.
: The number of users to seed. Default is 10.
Delete all users from the database.
Contributions are welcome from everyone. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
If you discover a security vulnerability, please email alessandro.tesoro@icloud.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.