Your task is to build something awesome! You'll be using the backend (and front-end) skills you've developed over the last couple of months. Implement a simple Responsive Web Design that works on Chrome on OSX, iOS devices, and Android devices at 360px, 768px, and 1200+ px wide. Use Express for your HTTP framework, a view engine for your templating, PostgreSQL for your database. Create at least 3 tables, with Model classes as is appropriate. Make sure that at least 2 of the tables are related (via foreign keys).
Parently was created to help children and parents manage household chores. It is recommended for children over 8 years old. Parents can create an account for as many children as they want and set chores for each child. Children can access their online accounts, view the day's schores and mark them as completed.
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- Postgres
- Node.js
- Axios
Parently is deployed on Heroku. You can see a demo by clicking HERE.
If you don’t feel like creating an account, but still want to see the features, please use the login information below.
Parent login
Password: 12345
Children login
Username: burckhalter1
Password: 12345
Username: burckhalter2
Password: 12345
Connecting the data with specific routes, obtaining the current day to display on the chores page and mark the chores as done in the database were the biggest challenges for us.
Give the user the ability to upload their own profile photo.✅- Give parents the ability to define prizes and point ranges.
- Send the login information to the user by email once signed up.
- Send alerts to the parents once the child marks a chore as done.
This project is under MIT license. See the license for more information.