Are you tired of trying to remember or write down all your passwords?
After download: Unzip contents somewhere and run the executable, easy as that.
cd src
Every time you change files in the src folder; gulp will transpile, minify, concat or restart the process for you
Gulp will now compile to all target OS's. Check the console output and the folder 'Build'
- Node.js, ES6, Built with Electron
- Frontend built with React And React Bootstrap
- Random salt for PBKD2F that is generated on first run
- Unique computer fingerprint used as a pepper for PBKD2F
- Can encrypt and decrypt folders with your passphrase (demo)
- up to 2.5 million PBKD2F iterations
- up to 2048bit AES passphrase encryption (aes-256-cbc)
- HMAC Authentication (Encrypt-then-MAC)
- CSPRNG initialization vectors (randomized for each encryption!)
- Stores passwords, email and service name encrypted to a local database
- No accounts just a password you come up with to rule them all
- Your password is your passphrase to unlock all your other passwords
- All of your data is stored CLIENT sided, NO server storage!