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The codebase associated with our research, as detailed in the paper available for review and use at the following GitHub repository:


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The codebase associated with our research, as detailed in the paper available for review and use at the following GitHub repository:

External Data Storage

To keep this repository manageable, we have stored large datasets on Google Drive and OneDrive. You can access the necessary data through the following links:

  • Input Data and Plots: Available on Google Drive (approximately 5 GB).
  • Simulation Output Data: Available on OneDrive. Note that access to this OneDrive folder requires permission, as it is stored on a work account and exceeds 30 GB.

Repository Structure

This repository is organized as follows:

/input_data - Input datasets required by the scripts are stored here.

  • BPLASMA/ - Contains the numerically calculated 3D magnetic fields. These were calculated using MARS-F and were provided by Dave Ryan and Guoliang Xia.
  • LOCUST_SPR-045-14_OutputFiles/ - Contains output data from LOCUST simulations. We use this in tests/ to run our unit tests for the modules in python_scripts/.
  • base.f90 - This is a copy of prec_mod.f90 from the original LOCUST code, it contains placeholder values, e.g. file_eqm = 'eqdsk_file.eqdsk' ! apkp which we later change using sed commands in shell_scripts/
  • ion_info_SPR-045-16.dat - This is produced by python_scripts/ and contains the information for the plasma ions.
  • makefile_template - The is a copy of makefile from the original LOCUST code, it contains placeholder values e.g. CUDALIB = ccxx,cudaxx.x which we later change using sed commands in shell_scripts/
  • profile_SPR-045-16_ne.dat - This is produced by python_scripts/ and contains the profile data and give the number density of the electrons as a function of $\psi_n$.
  • profile_SPR-045-16_Te.dat - Similar to profile_SPR-045-16_ne.dat but for the electron temperatures.
  • profile_SPR-045-16_Ti.dat - Similar to profile_SPR-045-16_ne.dat but for the ion temperatures.
  • profiles_SPR-045-16.CDF - Outputted data from a JETTO run in CDF format, specifically SPR-045-16 see ( python_scripts/ reads this file in to produce the profile_SPR-045-16_ne.dat and profile_SPR-045-16_Te.dat files.
  • SPP-001_wall.dat - Contains a 2D trace of the inner wall of the tokamak in the poloidal plane. We use this to make plots later.
  • SPP-001-1.cdb.locust - The full tetrahedral volumetric wall mesh used by LOCUST.
  • SPR-045-16_markers_1000000.dat - The initial position and velocity of the alpha particle markers. This file is produced by running python_scripts/ on the profiles_SPR-045-16.CDF file.
  • SPR-045-16.eqdsk - The magnetic field which we took from the JETTO run above.

/output_data/FEC-2024/ - Contains the output data from the LOCUST simulations.

/plots - Contains plots produced by running python_scripts/ Some of these plots are also available in the paper.

/python_scripts - Core Python scripts for processing and analysis:

  • - Indicates that this directory is treated as a Python package.
  • - Module for calculating the bootstrap errors, i.e. for estimating the errors due to Monte Carlo noise.
  • - dt here stand for Deuterium-Tritium. This module contains routines for calculating the fusion power and reaction rate.
  • - This module contains routines for calculating the alpha particle energy flux on the inner wall of the tokamak.
  • - This module contains routines for calculating the initial position and velocity of the alpha particle markers and is used in
  • - This module contains routines for reading in the LOG files from the LOCUST simulations and storing useful information as attributes in the log object for use in the other modules.
  • - This module reads in the FINAL_STATE files from the LOCUST simulations and stores useful information as attributes in the markers object for use in the other modules.
  • - Module for reading in eqdsk files (not written by me).
  • - Contain the code for producing the 3D plot which appears in the paper. This module is used in
  • - Contains code for producing the extra plots which don't appear in the paper but are still useful for checking the results. This module is used in
  • - This module contains the code for producing the plots that appear in the paper.
  • - Here PKDE stands for Periodic Kernel Density Estimation. This routine is a self-contained designed to calculate periodic Kernel Density Estimates in 1D and 2D for a set of points with weights. Note that uses this to calculate the alpha particle energy flux on the inner wall of the tokamak.
  • - The main script that processes profile data for simulations. It produces data that LOCUST needs to run.
  • - This module contains code for the run object which is a class which stores information about an individual LOCUST simulation. It has attributes called log, wall, markers, gfile, flux which store information about the LOG files, wall, FINAL_STATE files, .eqdsk files, and alpha particle energy flux on the wall. The module calls on the flux, log, wall, markers and my_gfile_reader modules.
  • - This module contains routines for reading in the SPP-001_wall.dat file and storing useful information as attributes in the wall object for use in the other modules.

shell_scripts/ Contains shell scripts intended to be run on a GPU cluster to compile, run and post process the LOCUST simulations.

  • - This complies LOCUST and produces a binary for each set of parameters we need to make the plots in the paper.
  • - This extracts the data we need from the LOG files and FINAL_STATE files.
  • - This is only needed if you intend to run a LOCUST simulation in interactive mode.
  • - This is intended to be run after compiling and executes the binaries produced by

/tests - Contains unit tests for the modules in python_scripts/.

/.gitattributes - Specifies attributes for path names and handling of line endings across different environments. This is also where we specify the large files for the Git Large File Storage (LFS).

/.gitignore - Lists files and directories that are to be ignored by version control.

LICENSE - Contains the LICENSE file. It says that I am happy for anyone to use this code as they wish, however, I'm not sure what UKAEA's policy is!

/ - Provides an overview and documentation for the project.

/ - Used for packaging and distributing the project, defining the package name, version, and included packages.

Installation instructions:

  • To run the python scripts you need to have python3.9+ installed.
  • Setup a virtual environment with e.g. "python3 -m venv venv".
  • Activate the environment with e.g. "source venv/bin/activate"
  • Install python packages with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  • Install the repo itself with "pip install -e .".

How to produce data for the paper

Step 1: Produce density/temperature profiles as well as alpha particle initial position and velocity.

The first thing we did was produce the profile data. This was done using the script. This script takes the raw data from the input directory and processes it into a format that can be used for simulations. Note that I have already done this to produce:

  • input_data/ion_info_SPR-045-16.dat
  • input_data/profile_SPR-045-16_ne.dat
  • input_data/profile_SPR-045-16_Te.dat
  • input_data/profile_SPR-045-16_Ti.dat
  • input_data/SPR-045-16_markers_1000000.dat

Step 2: ssh into GPU cluster

For this work I used the CSD3 cluster:

Step 3: Clone locust code

For the shell scripts to work the locust code must be cloned into the home space and you need to run git checkout prok to get the same branch of the code. The LOCUST repo is stored on GitLab here:

Step 4: Clone this repository

Clone this repo to a directory of your choosing on CSD3. Make sure you have git-lfs, I load these modules in my .bashrc to ensure that I have git-lfs. Note that this also sets up slurm which you will need to run jobs:

module purge
module load gcc/5
module load rhel8/default-amp
module load slurm-current-gcc-5.4.0-6idu76o
module load git-lfs-2.3.0-gcc-5.4.0-oktvmkw

Step 5: Create output directories

Create the file structure for LOCUST to output its files to. Your file structure needs to be:

  • ~/locust.STEP/OutputFiles
  • ~/locust.STEP/InputFiles
  • ~/locust.STEP/CacheFiles

I recommend using symbolic links to ensure you files are saved in e.g. /rds/project/iris_vol2/rds-ukaea-ap001/ as you only have a limited amount of space in your home drive.

Step 6: Compile the code.

Navigate to nuclear_fusion_2024_code/shell_scripts/ Edit the the file and ensure device="csd3" (assuming you are running the code on CSD3). Then create a session on a GPU node with e.g.:

sintr -t 36:0:0 -N1 -A UKAEA-AP001-GPU -p ampere --qos=INTR --gres=gpu:1

Then run ./ to compile the code.

Step 7: Run the code.

After the code has finished compiling. Edit nuclear_fusion_2024_code/shell_scripts/ and ensure the settings are ok. You may need to edit the lines that read

#SBATCH --ntasks=248
#SBATCH --array=0-247


#SBATCH --ntasks=124
#SBATCH --array=0-123

as sometime CSD3 won't let you execute so many jobs as a single array job. So you need to submit two separate array jobs.

Step 8: Filter out essential data.

After the simulations have finished, you should be able to see the outputted data in ~/locust.STEP/OutputFiles. We now need to run shell_scripts/ to get the data we need. I recommend putting all the output data in a directory e.g. ~/locust.STEP/OutputFiles/output_data_raw, then setting


in the shell script before running it. This script extracts only the data we need, by copying the FINAL_STATE and LOG files as well as removing redundant lines of text from the LOG file. This saves storage space and significantly reduces the time it take to the read the LOG files later.

Step 9: Download data to your local machine.

Now download the data from CSD3 to your local machine. I put the data in output_data/FEC_2024.

Step 10: Produce plots.

To produce plots simply execute python_scripts/ Note that you need to ensure that you have followed the installation instructions above first. The code should take about one minute to run with the make_csv and save_axisymmetric values set to False. With these to True the code will take about 6 hours to run. With make_csv and save_axisymmetric set to True the code will perform a full run of the code and calculate the optimum bandwidth to use and calculate the bootstrap errors. However, I have already calculated these values and saved them in csv files in:

  • plots/ripple_runs.csv.
  • plots/rmp_runs.csv.
  • plots/rwm_runs.csv.


The codebase associated with our research, as detailed in the paper available for review and use at the following GitHub repository:







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