Create a simple application that can interact with an existing Ethereum smart contract via web3.js.
- Setting up the environment for Node.js and Web3.js:
- Connecting to the Ethereum network:
- Create an index.js file and initialize web3 connecting to the Ethereum network via Infura (or whatever RPC URL you provide).
- Interaction with smart contract:
- Choose an existing smart contract or create your own simple Solidity contract.
- Get the ABI and address of this contract and use them to initialize the contract via web3 in your application.
- Write a function that calls one of the smart contract functions and prints the result to the console.
- Write a function that listens for a specific contract event and prints information about each event to the console.
Write a set of basic unit tests to verify that features in your application work correctly.
Use of TypeScript is recommended.
As a result, we expect to receive the code of your application, including:
- index.js file with the application code.
- Files with tests.
- file with instructions for installing, configuring and running the application.
- Code operability.
- Adhering to clean code principles and JavaScript and Node.js best practices.
- Completeness and correctness of the tests.
- Correctness and completeness of documentation.
Make sure you handle possible errors and exceptions. Feel free to use any additional libraries or tools you deem necessary. Be prepared to explain your decisions and approaches during the code review stage.
This project build on Turborepo.
This turborepo uses NPM as a package manager. It includes the following apps/packages:
: a sample blockchain client serviceeslint-config-custom
configurations- bc-hardhat: an Ethereum development environment which helps to develop, test and deploy smart contract. After compilation abi and types can be imported in apps.
s used throughout the monorepo
π Each app/package is 100% TypeScript.
This turborepo has some additional tools already setup for you:
- TypeScript for static type checking
- ESLint for code linting
- Prettier for code formatting
- NodeJs
is requred due to the following gabache temporary limitation that uses in the client application tests. They don't supportv20
This code is provided as a PoC and it could be improved. For instance:
create common network config to be able choose one easily
use waffle and web3 on the Hardhat component
optimise transactions, cache commonly used data with some TTL, such as
handle errors better
Please read this section carefully.
: (optional) Used by client only for testingCOUNTER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
: Use to address the smart contract on a blockchain (default value suitable for local development and testing as well).
The following are used for deployment and interacting on the real blockchain:
: (optional) In terms of Infura should contain PROJECT IDPROVIDER_HTTP_URL
: (optional) Use for contract deploymentPROVIDER_WS_URL
: (optional) Use for interaction with a contractWALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
: A private wallet key that is going to be used for the contract deployment on real blockchain and retrieve data from that contract as well.
π Please take a look at provided env example file located at the project root level.
To make sure everithing works fine, copy .env.example file into .env.local
and adjust settings inside according section above.
To first-time initialize the repository, run the following commands:
npm i
npm run build
It installs dependencies, creates artifacts, compiles smart contracts, and exports their ABI.
π Make sure no local Hardhat node is running.
npm run test
π Make sure nodejs and npm are installed.
First, run the Hadhat node:
npm -w bc-hardhat run node
and after is started, deploy a smart contracts within a different terminal:
$ npm -w bc-hardhat run deploy
Deploying Counter contract with the account: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266
Counter contract deployed to: 0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3
Finally, run the application:
npm run dev
or, to precisely run only the client application, run the following command:
npm -w client run dev
First, create an account on Infura if you don't have one. It also needed to create an API Key. After passing that steps you will find demanded values to setup the application environment there on Infura's dashboard.
Second, set corresponding values into the .env.local
file. Make sure you use Web socket provider for PROVIDER_WS_URL
, otherwise subscriptions won't work. It is important to set each of variables correctly, especially WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY
Third, get some sepolia coins to your wallet account.
Then type the following commands on your terminal window:
npm -w bc-hardhat run deploy:sepolia
It should deploy the smart contract and print out its address. Set just received address as the contract address in .env.local
file (located at the project root level), and run the following command:
npm -w client run dev:sepolia
After some delay that needed to EVM to send transaction to blockchain, the client application will finish with success.
To add or update a dependency, add -w parameter with a corresponding name-space. Do not use the NPM in the former manner (without the name-space specifying):
npm -w <namespace> ...<rest_args>
If you've get AbiError: Parameter decoding error: Returned values aren't valid...
error it could have one of the following reasons:
- you've forgotten to deploy a smart contract
- you've connected to the wrong blockchain network
- you are using the wrong smart contract address.
In case of weird compilation errors, it could be helpful to clean and rebuild apps/packages:
npm run clean
Turborepo can use a technique known as Remote Caching to share cache artifacts across machines, enabling you to share build caches with your team and CI/CD pipelines.
By default, Turborepo will cache locally. To enable Remote Caching you will need an account with Vercel. If you don't have an account you can create one, then enter the following commands:
npx turbo login
This will authenticate the Turborepo CLI with your Vercel account.
Next, you can link this repo to your Remote Cache by running the following command from the root of your turborepo:
npx turbo link
When you use turbo with tools that inline environment variables at build time (e.g. Next.js or Create React App), it is important to tell turbo about it. Otherwise, you could ship a cached build with the wrong environment variables! Details
The cache strategy depends on APP_ENV
and it is configured in turbo.json
Learn more about the power of Turborepo: