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Web Engineering 2021-2022 / microservices

In this assignment your PR must only modify the file. Please, go to the Wiki in order to get the instructions for this assignment.

Primary goal

The code is based on the post microservices with Spring developed by Paul Chapman. The laboratory shows a simple example of setting up a microservices system using Spring Boot and Eureka. This project contains three apps:

  • Service discovery (registration written in Kotlin): It launches an open source discovery server called Eureka that will use the port 1111. The dashboard of the registration server is exposed in http://localhost:1111.
  • Account service (accounts written in Kotlin): It is a standalone process that provides a RESTful server to a repository of accounts that will use the port 2222. What it makes special is that it registers itself to Eureka with the name ACCOUNTS-SERVICE. After launching this service you can see in the dashboard of Eureka that after a few seconds (10-20 secs) the ACCOUNTS-SERVICE service appears.
  • Web service (web written in Java): It is a standalone process that provides an MVC front-end to the application of accounts that will use the port 3333. What it makes special is that it registers itself to the Eureka with the name WEB-SERVICE and asks the Eureka where is the ACCOUNTS-SERVICE. Spring configures automatically an instance of RestTemplate for using the discovery service transparently!!!

This is a NOT a speed competition. The objective is to show that the following activities have been accomplished:

  • The two services accounts (2222) and web are running and registered (two terminals, logs screenshots).
  • The service registration service has these two services registered (a third terminal, dashboard screenshots)
  • A second accounts service instance is started and will use the port 4444. This second accounts (4444) is also registered (a fourth terminal, log screenshots).
  • What happens when you kill the service accounts (2222) and do requests to web?
    Can the web service provide information about the accounts again? Why?

The above must be documented in a brief report ( with screenshots describing what happens.

Secondary goal (:gift:)


Manifest your intention first by a PR updating this with your goal. If you desist of your goal, release it by a PR so other fellow can try it.

NIA User name Report Improvement Score
757166 Pablo Jordan Primary Goal
755232 Diego Marco report
778097 Héctor Bara Solution
778148 José Marín report
774840 Fernando Serrano report
755848 Guillermo Cánovas González Report
785649 Andoni Salcedo
767870 Diego García Muro report
780448 María Peña Report
779354 Alejandro Magallón Soler Report


Lab 6 microservices (deadline 2022-01-11)






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  • HTML 45.6%
  • Kotlin 26.1%
  • Java 25.4%
  • CSS 2.9%