Little sweet addition to your WhatsApp Desktop. on your Mac.
WhatsAppBar helps you to send WhatsApp messages to someone who is not on your contact list. You don't need to save the number first to start chatting.
If you mostly use WhatsApp Desktop on MacOS and want to start chatting with someone but too lazy to add the number to your phonebook, you're going to love this app.
WhatAppBar stay on your menubar,run the apps and start chat with anyone from your OSX menubar..
Select the country and input the number to start chat.
###Preferences Menu Click gear icon to go into preference windows
- macOS High Sierra (10.13.4)
- WhatsApp Desktop
- Active WhatsApp on your phone
You can download DMG file here
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If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it you can buy me a beer in return or consider buying me a coffee