A PowerShell module to interract with GLPI REST API.
To be able to connect to the API and interract with it, you first need to allow API in GLPI administration tab and then retrieve a User Token and optionnaly an App Session.
Just clone the repository wherever you want. For now, installation through PowerShell Gallery isn't supported.
Here is an example of a connection and a few simple requests.
using module /path/to/your/powershell-glpi/GLPI_API.psm1
$Glpi = [GLPI_API]::new('http://path/to/glpi/apirest.php')
$SessionToken = $Glpi.InitSession('YourUserToken')
Write-Host "Successfuly connected to GLPI API with token: $SessionToken"
@{"expand_dropdowns"=$true; "with_infocoms"=$true}
@(@{"id" = 560; "comment"="text"}, @{"id" = 562; "comment"="text"})
For more details read the reference.
Alexandre Dubert