A bunch of common problems (interview stuff) with solutions.
Written in ES6 🔥, tested with Jest 🔍 and some ⏱ perf measurements
yarn && yarn test
- Array
- Hash Table
- Set
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Tree
- Binary search tree
- Trie
- Graph
- Fizz-Buzz
- isPalindrome
- caesarCipher
- reverseWords
- reverseArrayInPlace
- meanMedianMode
- twoSum
- getEvenOccurrence: Find the first even occurrence of a number in an array
- getAllPermutations: Get all the permutations of a string
- Roman to Numerals: Translate Romans into numerals
- QueueTwoStacks: Implement a queue with 2 stacks.
- GetMaxStack: Get the largest item in a stack
- ResponseHandler: Add handlers and implement fallbacks