This is a Path finder which means this program will find a path between two points using diferent algorithms such as A* or minimal cost Path Finder has been written in python using pygame and numpy
To execute the path finder you should first have python 3 installed on your computer. You can Download python 3 cliking here.
Then you must install these packages to be able to run the program:
pip install pygame
pip install numpy
To execute the Path Finder you should open a terminal, go to the Path_Finder/ folder and write:
- First you must select an Algorithm and press Start
- When you have selected an algorithm you should select the start rectangle that you prefer, just clicking over it with the mouse
- Then you have to choose the objective rectangle, clicking over the one you prefer
- Now fell free to draw as many walls as you want and create any types of labyrinths, just by clicking or dragging over the rectangles
- At this point to start the path finfing just press enter and the algorithm will start
- As you will see when it finds the goal rectangle it will draw the path, if you want to go back to the Main Menu just press enter